were you able to get it working then?  because you can set a preference to use a different, unassigned key as your DQSD hotkey.
to do so browse to your DQSD install directory (should be C:\Program Files\Quick Search Deskbar) and open localprefs.js with notepad.  then make this entry...

/* The character we use with the 'Windows key' as a hotkey to jump to the searchbar

* This should be a single UPPER CASE letter


hotkeyCharacter = "S";

but replace the S with the key of your choosing.  Make sure Win+<your new letter> is currently unassigned... (Win+E, Win+D, Win+M,  Win+P and others already have functionality built into Windows).

we've used the "S" as an easy to remember abbreviation of Search.  You could use "Q" as an easy to remember abbreviation of Query


From: TRS Events - W.J.H. Dingemans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 7:54 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dqsd-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [DQSD-Users] error on installation--I need help



Thank you very much for your advice. I have indeed installed another program, that uses the Win-S key (MS Office OneNote),


I’ve also signed myself in for the DSQD User List, Thanks for your tip!


Kind Regards,


Wouter Dingemans


Van: John W. Bairen, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: woensdag 9 maart 2005 3:45
Aan: dqsd-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Onderwerp: FW: [DQSD-Users] error on installation--I need help




There are 3 possibilities that come to mind for me.


1. Some other application that you have installed already has Win+s as it's hotkey.  If this is so, then you should be able to edit your local preferences file and change your DQSD hot key.  Is this the case?  When you type the windows key and s (Win+s) does anything for any other application happen?


2. Did you install as a system administrator or equivalent?  I am running DQSD on WinXP Pro(SP2) without problems, and I even have another hotkey program installed (Auto Hotkey http://www.autohotkey.com/).


3. I'm drawing a blank, right now, about what my third idea was.  I just can't remember it.  Maybe the guys on the DQSD-Users list have more ideas.  (maybe some script engine version stuff?  or is Will Dean still out there?  I think he originally wrote the hook code.)


Anyone?  Oh and please 'reply to all' as I don't think Wouter is a part of the DQSD User list.


Wouter, you may wish to join the DQSD User list.  There are many who are much better at helping than I am, who contribute regularly to the list.  It really is the ultimate place to seek DQSD help.  You can get to the DQSD User list and other lists here: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=42081



Keep us posted as to the questions I've posted above.




From: TRS Events - W.J.H. Dingemans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 7:11 PM
Subject: RE: [DQSD-Users] error on installation--I need help

Hi John!


I’m using DQSD. Getting the following error when I activate the bar in WinXPpro(SP2)



I’ve already tried to uninstall and reinstall it again as you suggested on the dqsd-users-list. But it won’t help. Have you any other suggestions?


Thank you in advance…



Wouter Dingemans



RE: [DQSD-Users] error on installation--I need help

John W. Bairen, Jr.
Mon, 07 Oct 2002 19:17:58 -0700



I don't know why but others have seen this problem before.  Rebooting and

reinstalling always seems to clear it up.  Give it a try.  If it doesn't

help let us know as someone else will surely have a better suggestion.





 -----Original Message-----


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf Of


Sent:   Monday, October 07, 2002 6:02 PM


Subject:        [DQSD-Users] error on installation--I need help


Hi there,

I tried to install the program, as a Dr. friend stated it was a great

program, but I got:

"There was a problem initializing the enhanced keyboard support-some key

combinations and hotkeys may not work. Error-'Hotkey registration


Can you help me out here??

-Blair Carroll






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