Hi Tom,

I just managed to build DQSDSearchWiz from source, and it worked fine
with my experiment with multimap.com:

1) Browse to www.multimap.com
2) Set cursor in the "find a map" input field
3) Click DQSD Search Wizard button

This is IE6, by the way, maybe it's different in newer IEs...

My DQSDSearchWiz should be ver 1.3, but locally built, so maybe not
the same as the released version.

Can you provide some more details?

- Kim

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 07:56, Kim Gräsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Thanks for the report!
> I tried to look into the DQSDSearchWiz problem, but apparently it
> doesn't even work with a clean 4.1 install. It can't detect that DQSD
> is installed, probably because I've changed the location in the
> registry for where the install dir is stored.
> I'll try and fix this asap, so we can investigate why multimap breaks
> the search wiz. Then maybe we can go to 4.1 final?
> - Kim
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 00:09, Tom Corcoran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Since we are on the subject of broken searches, the trusty multimap
>> search (mm) is not working anymore. I know it's been flagged as a uk
>> search but it now offers a lot of countries,l which is perhaps one of
>> the reasons the search has been broken. Have not made time to look at
>> this, just flagging it's broken for now.
>> Indeed trying the search wizard on the multimap site let to a DQSD
>> Search Wizard Exception
>> An enternal error was encountered:  CDQSDWizardDlg::GetForms
>> Cheers, Tom.
>> ps. This si a resend, I sent this last week but it did not seem to get
>> through (double checked on
>> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=dqsd-users)

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