This morning, sorting through several lots of tubes from E-bay for 4 line, and 
feedback, one an item for R-7 connection to TR7, got an urge to send a note to 
seller of the R7 item, to keep an eye out for an AUX 7 board.  E-bay slow on 
3.1 kbs dial-up, and couldn't send a note through the feedback listing, so went 
on his site, and lo and behold, a full boat AUX 7 board, 0-1500, 12, 17, 30, 
and cb bands!  It's incoming, now.

Am beginning to think more on dowsing, with an excellent book from England 
"Dowsing" by geology/hydrology engineer, as well as long term professional 
dowser with excellent track record.

Just an interesting morning!

If anyone has a drake  SPR=4 DC cord, very interested in picture, wire ga, 
enough detail to build one. Several ads over past several months haven't made 
one materialize.  Even rarer is the aux kit to connect up transceive to 
transmitter, and the NB.

73's, kendwell

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