Re: [Drakelist] Drake R-4C score

2010-06-07 Thread Byron Hayes, Jr.
Don, I would be interested in your giving your comparison of the two receivers, to learn if the Sherwood mods. are effective and worthwhile. I have seen the chart on the Sherwood web site, but I am interested in how they do in the "real world". Byron Hayes, Jr., WA6ATN At 06:38 AM 6/7/20

Re: [Drakelist] Drake R-4C score

2010-06-07 Thread Ed Tanton
Obviously you should keep the 'new' one, and sell me the Sherwood one for the $200-after all (heh heh) wouldn't you rather have a stock unit, and not one with all those nasty mods? LOL Ed Tanton Website: All emails & checked by Norton An

[Drakelist] Drake R-4C score

2010-06-07 Thread Don Jones
OK, I do not get it. I went to Sea-Pac (the NW Div ARRL Convention) and I hoping to move a T-4XC down the road that I picked up at another hamfest. No takers. There was one guy who basically tried to give one away at $200 - no takers. During the last moments of the flea market, I did one last cruis