Was playing with my R-4  today and noticed a" birdie" very strong on 20 
and 17 meters. Almost as strong as the cal tone.Showed up on 14150,210 ,275 and 
335. On 17 showed up at 18120,135, and 145. Pulled the ant connection and 
gone,the R4 is silent except for a little white noise. If I pull the 2' jumper 
coax off the ant switch,but still connected to the R-4 , the birdie still there 
and as loud as when the switch is connected to the antenna. the rig seems to 
hear fine on both bands,just the birdie is always there. If I pull the jumper 
coax from the switch,short the coax, still there. 
      On the same antennas and antenna switch, my S-line does not have the 
birdies, nor does my Flex 1500. I also noticed on the R-4,This seems to come 
and go, that it is harder to tune to a CLEAN sounding audio on ssb,always seems 
a bit rough and not right on. 
   any ideas where to look. 
dale wt4t


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