* Johannes Prix ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Dear DRI developers,
> I read in the FAQ, that NVidia provide their own
> binary closed source drivers.  Yet visiting the Nvidia
> homepage driver section I find, that there are not only
> binary drivers for several distributions, but also a source
> rpm and a source tarball "for those interested".  Actually
> I used this source and the explicit and very details 
> compilation and troubleshooting information there to install
> the driver on my system.  It compiled and works well.  Have
> I misunderstood the concept of closed source or is this 
> perhaps valuable and sufficient information for the DRI project?

My understanding having looked at this 'source' package is that it is not
really source.  If you look carefully you will see that there is a file in there
which is not source but a precompiler binary object together with some source.
From what I can tell the source providers a wrapper around the precompiled
binary; with the aim that the source can fit the binary to whichever version
of the Linux kernel you are using.

I may be wrong, but that is what I could find.


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