The horizontal rotor appears correctly on our NVidia and Rage128
test machines.

The only known problem that we have on NVidia GL is a failure to 
draw the lightmap used for the rocket exhaust and the explosion of the
other helicopter.  

On the Rage128 with DRI, there are several lighting bugs in the Adventure 
demo, and some severe problems with Shiny's Sacrifice.  Interestingly,
the Xi GL exhibits some of the same problems...


Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I don't know if this mailing lists fits the problem - but here goes...
> My machine: Pentium 4 1.5GB and Matrox G400. The problem appears both in
> Matrox drivers and in the standard XFree 4.1.0 RPMs from Redhat 7.2.
> I installed WineX and tried 3DMark 2000 with it - and it runs pretty good
> (60% the speed of native windows - which I consider for a first version of
> WineX pretty good).. However - there is one problem:
> On the first series of tests there is a demo of helicopter shooting another
> helicopter - and the horizonal rotor is not shown while the vertical rotor
> shows ok. I checked the same 3DMark with original windows and the problem
> doesn't appear...
> DRI problem or WineX problem? (I'm cc'ing this email to WineX developers as
> well)
> Thanks,
> --
> Hetz Ben Hamo
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