On Sun, 24 Oct 2004, Mike Mestnik wrote:

--- Philipp Klaus Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you for doing this work. We really need to get the open-source ATI driver on par with the propretary driver (both feature-wise and performance-wise).

But sadly we will NEVER match it.

NO SmoothVision, HyperZ docu ever....

The nonfree xig driver has been developed without HyperZ docs and outperforms fglrx.

It's my opinion that xig uses trickery to get there FPS higher then it
should be posible to under OpenGL compliant rendering.  It's also true in
the font and 2d(like lack of xv support) accelerations as well.

Uhm... trickery? Like how? And what do you mean by 'should be posible to under OpenGL compliant rendering'? Obviously we do it, so obviously it is possible.

If you mean extreme optimization of common code-paths, then you are correct. If you are implying that we somehow 'cheat', well then you are quite incorrect.

We evaluate all drivers we produce. If QA finds something amis (like really slow performance in some test that should be faster), then we spend time trying to figure out where the bottleneck is, and if we are successful in determining a cause, and it's a code-path worth optimizing, we deal with it.

I can assure you (though I don't think you will wish to believe me), there is no 'lets see if we are doing viewperf, and then cheat' code anywhere in our drivers. I would think playing those kinds of games would be pretty obvious to detect... wouldn't they? Didn't Nvidia get busted playing those games by some 3D testing outfit some time back?

Also, I am confused by your statements about lack of Xv, and 'cheating' in 2D tests.

We do, of course, support Xv just fine (have since the first Summit release). And how would you 'cheat' in a 2D test? I mean, you can test the demo yourself and see that it does actually draw stuff...? That's what Roland did I believe... I would think if Roland had found something suspicious, he would certainly have voiced them..?


PS: I work at XiG. I do not subscribe to this list from there though, which is why I'm sending from home, where I am subscribed. Feel free to flame me mercilessly :)

Jon Trulson    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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