>The challenge with back and depth buffers is being able to allocate
>additional space on the fly (when a window is resized for example).  We
>chose a static allocation method over shutting down the application
>after it's already been running.  If a good mechanism can be devised for
>addressing that failure case, then it would be possible to consider
>private back and depth buffers for multiple 3D windows.

How about, "if there isn't enough VRAM, fall back to software 
rendering"?  That's what Apple's implementation does, or at least 
used to.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (not for attachments)
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/
geekcode: GCS$/E dpu(!) s:- a21 C+++ UL++ P L+++ E W+ N- o? K? w--- O-- M++$
           V? PS PE- Y+ PGP++ t- 5- X- R !tv b++ DI+++ D G e+ h+ r++ y+(*)
tagline:  The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.


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