
I try to install the dri drivers for my i865G card whith 16 Mb of shared
I succeed to install the driver and use an opengl app like TuxRacer or
torcs but when i try my app, it crashs on opengl function...
This app works fine with nvidia driver and ati opengl lib...
I would like to know if the opengl lib provided is really thread
It seems to be linked with that...

My app crash on glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)...
I have kernel message :
mtrr: base(0xf0020000) is not aligned on a size (0x300000) boundary

I use a FC3, 2.6.10, and xorg 6.8.2...and the dri driver snapshot of
21st june 2005.

Thx for your help

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