can someone answer this request for DRI tarballs?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 08:27
Subject: AW: Request to mailing list Dri-announce rejected
Importance: High

Hello Admin,

Thanks for your anser ... yes it's true that I have never read the archive
... SORRY ... now I have read, but could not find something about a actual
tarball and how and where to get ... I have read on that admin could
do a tarball for their cvs tree and put it on the web.

Is there a complete tarball for DRI ... I hope .. and where to get

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet: Samstag, 19. Juli 2003 23:35
Betreff: Request to mailing list Dri-announce rejected

Your request to the Dri-announce mailing list

    Posting of your message titled "What's going on DRI cvs server"

has been rejected by the list moderator.  The moderator gave the
following reason for rejecting your request:

"Your message has been deemed inappropriate by the moderator.

Daer Martin, the dri-announce mailing list is for the sole purpose of
announcing special project related events, such as new releases. Your
mail considers a question on one of the servers having malfunction.
That does better match into dri-devl mailing list where developer
problems and third party developer problems are discussed - please
resent there.

Concerning your question, it is a general sourceforge problem for some
3 weeks now that the pbulic CVS server access fails rather often. Its
caused by a login limitation on the CVS server that should ensure that
people that are in luck to get a connection will have sufficient
performance to finish. That on the other side results in lots of
people beeing randomly rejected at login. There is new hardware in
preparation for SourceForge and will replace or extend the currently
installed CVS public server so that anything will work again as
before. I hope that does already answer your questions. BTW, the
answer could already be found in the mailing list archives from other
peoples postings, so i assume you have not searche the archives.

-Alex. Moderator of dri-announce mailing list."

Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator


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