Pierre Letouzey wrote:
> Sorry for the multi-purpose mail
> 1) Remarks concerning the installation of tdfx-0.7:
> - first I was dummy enough to try installing without the Extras packages,
> so I first got a ABI version error. I Read the F... Manual, and solved
> this trouble.
> - second and more serious, I lost lot of time trying to figure out why
> I had not Direct Rendering. Glxinfo said Direct Rendering : No.
> DRIsetup said unresolved symbols in tdfx_dri.so
> (btw, good job, this utility:
> ftp://dri.sourceforge.net/pub/dri/DRIsetup-linux-i386 )
> I found the solution when trying to compile the dri-snapshot: it
> complained about my version of Glide headers. So I got libglide3 and
> glideheaders from the resources page at dri.sourceforge.net and that
> solved everything.
> IMHO, that worth mentioning somewhere in the docs that the Glide packages
> coming with Mandrake 8.0 are obsolete, and that we should upgrade before
> installing tdfx-0.7

This won't be a problem in the near future as the Glide headers will be
included in the XFree86/DRI tree.

> 2) Questions concerning speed:
> When looking for help in the Help/FAQ page, I found a dicussion about
> how to activate AGP 2x, with Option "AGPMode" "2" or "AGPMode2x".
> None of the two seem recognized by tdfx driver. Is that normal?

Yes.  The tdfx driver does not use AGP.

> More generaly, how can I know what AGP mode is used ?
> There is some info in "dmesg" printed by agpgart and in XFree86.0.log
> but it only concerns memory, not AGP speed.
> To give an indication, the first demo of Quake3 using High Quality
> gives 41.2 fps for tdfx-0.7 on my voodoo3 3000 AGP + PIII 450
> Does that seem resonable ?


> 3) Bug: "Resetting FIFO"
> I also get frequent and random lockup of the X server. Sometimes
> Sound and keyboard continue working, just image freeze, so I can
> CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE back to console and see a message "Resetting FIFO".
> Sometimes the lockup is more severe and breaks the console.
> In this case I can still access remotly by network and restart the
> X server. It occurs more or less frequently with all 3D games I tested
> with maybe the exception of tuxracer (I didn't play it intensively,
> though), the only constant fact in those lockups are the FIFO message.
> I looked at the source, this message comes from
> xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/tdfx/tdfx_priv.c
> in function TDFXResetFifo.
> Unfortunalty I don't know how to debug further. Any help is welcome.
> I am ready to proceed any tests and give any more information
> a developpers may need, just ask me. I will also try under FreeBSD
> to see if the bug is Linux-dependant...

If you can find a way to reproduce this reliably, please let us know.
I'm curious- which window manager are you using?


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