Am Fre, 2002-07-12 um 15.12 schrieb Keith Whitwell:
> Michael Schlueter wrote:
> > I'm trapped in an infinite loop in
> > xc/xc/extras/Mesa/src/tnl/t_vb_render.c :)
> > 
> > Ok, I was debugging a program with ddd that crashes sometimes but this
> > time it took the hole cpu time so I broke it up and did a look where it
> > was (see above). I did a few steps to get an impression what is happen
> > there and was astonished that it was in a loop where it couldn't get out
> > (run_render() there is a for loop, i and length where both 0).
> > 
> > Does anybody knows how I can get out there or does I have to stay there
> > forever?
> > 
> > I don't know the issure how this could happen but if anybody is
> > interested in any state of another variable I won't touch ddd for the
> > next three hours and send it to him.
> This is a bug in the Mesa tnl code, so it's important to try & track it down.
> What program is giving this behaviour?  How did you get it to do this?  Can 
> you post a demo that does the same thing?

I'm using the program gtkradiant ( When
repeating the same steps there are three different behaviors.

- Grid of the xyz main window gets corrupt
- X gets into that loop and after killing the program I can work futher
- X takes whole cpu time and X is frozen (have to reboot the system,
killing X and the program is not enough)

Most of the time I get into the last one. What Debug flags should I
switch on to get more infos?

Bye, Michael

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