>> What the command verifier does is that it lets commands thrugh that is
>> knows:
>> 1. Only accesses the 2D-engine or Mpeg engine through writes. (Other
>> areas
>> are blocked).
>> 2. Does not attempt to fetch memory contents from system memory.
>> 3. Does not attempt to fetch memory cont
What the command verifier does is that it lets commands thrugh that is
1. Only accesses the 2D-engine or Mpeg engine through writes. (Other areas
are blocked).
2. Does not attempt to fetch memory contents from system memory.
3. Does not attempt to fetch memory contents from AGP memory that
Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
This has just been implemented in the Unichrome driver, and I'm not
sure wether it's the best or most appopriate way to do it but it
works as follows:
1. The Mesa driver fills a "malloced" system memory buffer with
vertex data.
2. The Mesa driver then calls the DR
This has just been implemented in the Unichrome driver, and I'm not sure
wether it's the best or most appopriate way to do it but it works as follows:
1. The Mesa driver fills a "malloced" system memory buffer with vertex data.
2. The Mesa driver then calls the DRM through a via-specific IOCTL.
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 09:10:12AM +0100, Thomas Hellström wrote:
>> Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
>> > Can someone more knowledgable explain to me how to properly access
>> AGP
>> >space from within Mesa driver ?
>> This has just been implemented in the Unichrome driver, and I'm not sure
>> weth
On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 09:10:12AM +0100, Thomas Hellström wrote:
> Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
> > Can someone more knowledgable explain to me how to properly access AGP
> >space from within Mesa driver ?
> This has just been implemented in the Unichrome driver, and I'm not sure
> wether it's th
Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
Hi all,
Can someone more knowledgable explain to me how to properly access AGP
space from within Mesa driver ?
What I want to do is to copy vertex data (i.e. coordinates, colors,
etc) into an array in AGP space so that R300 engine can fetch it from
there. Ideal
Hi all,
Can someone more knowledgable explain to me how to properly access AGP
space from within Mesa driver ?
What I want to do is to copy vertex data (i.e. coordinates, colors,
etc) into an array in AGP space so that R300 engine can fetch it from
there. Ideally, I would be able to tell Me