Good Day,

I am Barrister Geoffrey Dawson, legal Attorney to the immediate past President 
of the Republic of South Africa Mr. Jacob G. Zuma. I am using this medium to 
request for your assistance and partnership of $50 Million business investment 
program. This fund is presently deposited with the Barclays Bank in the United 
Kingdom. This is where you come in to take over the ownership of this said fund 
to be backed with legal documents from my legal firm. Your assistance is 
urgently needed to secure the said fund and invest same in any business invest 
program that is legal and profitable. He is offering 30% of the total sum for 
your partnership and 70% will be for my client. I assure you that this 
transaction is risk-free and 100% legal. As an Attorney, I will not be part of 
anything illegal in my life after years of legal practice. 

As a former head of state, my client cannot afford to work on this project 
personally or with persons close to him as anyone around betrayed him in the 
past and that is why I have been instructed with the mandate to find a foreign 
partner, secure and invest the funds. To make matters worse, he has been 
Diagnosed of Lung Cancer and he is hospitalized at the moment. You are also 
advised to reply swiftly if this proposal is acceptable to you with the 
requested details:

Full names:
Home address:
Phone number:

I will send you the relevant fund deposit documentations for your confirmation 
upon your reply. These same details will be used for the partnership agreement 
and legal Power of Attorney that will give you the legal right to the fund. 

Please know this transaction needs almost confidentiality. Looking forward to 
hearing from you soonest.

Thank you.

Yours in Service,
Barrister Geoffrey Dawson
Beach House, Bay View Road, 
Port St Mary, Isle of Man IM9 5AE,
United Kingdom.
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