
I apologize for the inconvenience that my mail could cause you. Indeed I am 
French Monsieur Scaroni Roberto. 
Following a faintness during which I went to the hospital recently, my DOCTOR 
let me know that suffered from the pernicious evil.
The diagnosis revealed that I suffered from very advanced cancer of throat, and 
that I shall live no more than 3 months.
In view of my present situation and having no heir, I decided to donate my 
fortune which amounts to 2.000.000 $ in a church, an organization or a third 
person who will give me the guarantee to use this sum and to make a good use 
salt  one my instructions. 
My most burning wish is that 40 % this sum is to use for orphanages, widows. 
That this slavish sum of support in God's works and contributes to it in the 
distribution of its word and its divine recommendations. I have of to make this 
decision for the simple reason that I have no child who can inherit from this 
money and my wife are  died it makes already two years.
So I owe respect the will of my deceased marry, so that these 
funds(collections) are not used for insane works.

I would not like(love) either that this sum is used in a impure way, that is 
why I made this decision. I am not either afraid of dying, because I know that 
where I go, I shall be in the breast of the Lord and his good grace(favor) " 
Exodus 14 AGAINST 1 > 4 " says that " the man will fight with his fate and will 
be in the peace of the Lord.
Everything is possible with God. 
>From the moment I shall receive your agreement and your answer I shall 
>communicate with you the contact of the Bank and my administrator. 
I shall also deliver you a Certificate of deposit which will prove that you are 
the present beneficiary of these funds(collections).

I would also want that you and the church or the organization pray for me 
because the Lord is my shepherd. 
My happiness is to have lived a life of deserving Christian and whoever wants 
to serve the Lord has to make him(it) in the spirit and the Truth. 
Please be devoted always till the end of your life. 
Please get in touch with me that you will act according to my will. 
To receive from you an immediate answer in my mailbox, receive the expression 
of my distinguished feelings.
That the Lord blesses you.

Mr Scaroni Roberto

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