Mr. Akinwumi Godson Fanimokun
Group Executive, Technology & Services
First Bank of Nigerian Plc


My name is Mr. Akinwumi Godson Fanimokun,Group Executive, Technology & Services 
 First Bank of Nigerian Plc. based in Nigeria.  I am  writing in respect of a 
foreign customer of our Financial Firm with Deposit Code: XXMD-908-14-255-114 
whose name is  Eng. Ahmed Mohd Elshami, an Egyptian citizen and a Federal 
Contractor with the Federal Governments of Nigeria and  Egypt.

My client lost his life along with his wife, daughter and several others in a 
tragic air accident in Abuja - Nigeria.  Since the death of this customer, I 
personally have watched with keen interest to see the next of kin but all has 
proved abortive as no one has come to claim his funds of US$25,500,000.00 
(Twenty Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) which  has been with 
our branch for a very long time.

On this note, I decided to seek for whom his name shall be used as the Next of 
Kin as no one has come up as his next of kin.  In view of this I got your 
contact through a trade journal on my quest for a foreign business partner, who 
will be presented to the financial firm as the next of kin to the deceased 
client to enable them release the fund in your favour.

For your assistant I am willing to give you 40% of the total amount, 10% to 
cover all expenses and 50% for me and my family.  Upon the receipt of your 
response, I will send you by fax the letter of application which you will type 
sign and send to the First Bank of Nigerian Plc to enable us start the 
processing of this claim.  I will not fail to bring to your notice that this 
business is problem free process and shall be carried out under legitimate 
procedure without breaching any of the International Law, in other words, you 
should not entertain any fear as all modality for the smooth and easy transfer 
of this fund has been finalized.

Please take note my wife is the only one that I have discussed this business 
with and we both agreed to do it with you, I will give you more explanation on 
this transaction, feel free to send email to me.

When you receive this letter, kindly send me an email for more explanation, 
please include your private Tel/Fax numbers in your correspondence to 
facilitate communication.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Akinwumi Godson Fanimokun
Group Executive, Technology & Services
First Bank of Nigerian Plc.

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