Hi all,

We're still working on getting reviews, tests and merges done for DSpace
6.4, and inevitably a few improvements have cropped up that would be
*really* nice to get into this release, but are a bit larger than a typical
bugfix and so need a bit more attention.
and a few other tickets around discovery/solr, REST API, and so on

So I'm proposing a tentative date of April 14 as a date where we won't
merge any more PRs after that date - then we can finish final testing,
documentation and prepare the release without anything else changing in the
6.x branch. it's a bit later than our earlier estimate but it might help
with some of those larger tickets.

If you'd like to chip in with testing, reviewing, please check out the
release page and/or jump onto DSpace Slack #dev and/or share emails here!

If you have alternative proposals, questions, concerns re: release planning
please also sing out!


Kim (on behalf of the 6.4 release volunteers)

M: k...@shepherd.nz
T: @kimshepherd
W: www.shepherd.nz <http://shepherd.nz>

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