Hi all,
I started to take a look at dspace discovery.
I'm very excited to see a SOLR integration in DSpace to manage the search and browse functionalities so I really hope that we can include this nice addition in DSpace 1.7.
I like to see some discussion about the following details:

*- integration with the authority framework*
as far as I can see there is not integration at this point. I will be happy to handle this by myself. My idea is to store, when the confidence level is greater than a configurable value, the authority key in a field _authority (ie. contributor_authority) when there is no authority key or the confidence level is not good enought we should store the simple metadata.value in the solr field (ie contributor). A similar rule should apply to facetting. We can't use directly the same field used for the search because we need to sort facet for browsing (think about diacrytics in names). I'm thinking to store the facet value with the following syntax
sort_value|||display_form|||authority_key(if any)
When the facet is shown we should use the authority_key to build the filter (on the field_authority) or the display_form if there is not authority_key

*- use of a custom solr build*
I'm not happy to manage a custom build of solr, I think that in the long way it could be an expensive task. The SOLR-236 is still not included in the main SOLR distribution and there is a lot of debate around it. The version that we have currently included seems already modified to fix some bugs... a new major release of solr (1.4) has been released and we should move to it as soon as possible before than more works on solr are build. Why do we need this custom build? I think that Dryad is not using it... instead from the screenshoot on the dspace wiki
I see that in xmlui there is a "group by" option, is this the reason for the custom build or is it needed for other?

*- old browse and search provider*
if we add discovery at dspace 1.7 should we remove the old search & browser provider? I don't see a valid reason to keep it in place and duplicate maintenace effort...


Dott. Andrea Bollini
Project Manager, IT Architect&  Systems Integrator
Sezione Servizi per le Biblioteche e l'Editoria Elettronica
CILEA, http://www.cilea.it
tel. +39 06-59292853
cel. +39 348-8277525


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