
This is a reminder that tomorrow's DSpace Developers meeting will be our 
first "Special Topics" meeting, where we will begin to discuss our 
current DSpace Release Procedures.

As usual, tomorrow's (Weds, Mar 10) meeting will be in the #duraspace 
IRC channel at 20:0O UTC.  Again, that's 15:00 EST or 12:00 PST for 
those in the USA.

Before the meeting, take a moment to review the proposals which we will 
be discussing during the meeting:

More details can be found in the below email.

- Tim

On 3/4/2010 11:34 AM, Tim Donohue wrote:
> All,
> During next week's DSpace Developer's meeting (Weds, March 10 at 20:00
> UTC in #duraspace IRC), we will be having our first "Special Topics"
> meeting. The idea of a Special Topics meeting is to devote the entire
> hour towards a specific topic, often one requiring more detailed
> discussion.
> Our first Special Topic Meeting will discuss our current DSpace Release
> Procedures/Cycle. For those who haven't been able to attend recent
> Developer meetings, you'll find more details in the "Background
> Information" at the bottom of this email.
> In preparation for this Special Topics meeting, I ask the following of
> each of you:
> (1) Before the meeting, take some time to read through the various
> proposals/ideas/brainstorms on how we could improve our Release
> Procedures. None of these are very long, and all contain some nice
> ideas. These are posted on the wiki at:
> (2) Take some time to gather your own thoughts on each of these ideas.
> Feel free to write them up on the wiki (if you have time), or bring them
> to the meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please add you
> comments to the Wiki (either at below one of the current proposals, or
> by writing up your own thoughts on a separate wiki page).
> During the meeting, we will be discussing these ideas in the order in
> which they are listed on the above Wiki page. Please let me know if you
> have any questions.
> *Background Information*
> DuraSpace (Valorie Hollister & Tim Donohue, with backing from Brad
> McLean & Michele Kimpton) would like to encourage the DSpace Community
> to take time after 1.6.0 to reanalyze our current release procedures,
> timelines, etc. It seems like it has been a while since we've done so,
> and I'm sure there is much we've all learned in recent releases (1.4.x,
> 1.5.x, 1.6.0) which we could work to "streamline" or take steps towards
> improving for the future.
> During recent DSpace Developers Meetings, I've encouraged all developers
> (committers and non-committers alike) to begin to brainstorm how our
> current development and release processes could be improved. There are
> already several brainstorms posted on our Wiki at this location:
> (Side note: Feel free to add your own thoughts if you have time, or add
> comments to other's proposals/ideas. The initial Special Topics meeting
> will concentrate on the ideas listed on the Wiki -- so please post your
> ideas there if you'd like them discussed. Again, ideas from anyone are
> encouraged -- you don't have to be a recent release manager or even have
> been involved in recent releases.)
> Val and I see this review of our Release Cycle/Process as encompassing
> at least three phases:
> [Phase 1] First, ask all developers (committers and non-committers) to
> propose ideas/thoughts/brainstorms on how we could improve upon our
> current release process. The goal here is to first have those most
> familiar with release processes to brainstorm out potential "quick
> wins", which we could implement almost immediately as we start moving
> towards 1.7 and beyond. It's also a chance to let the developers to
> scope larger questions which may need to be asked to the community at
> large. (In addition, we don't want to delay 1.7 by waiting to move
> forward until this entire process has ended -- so, this gives us a
> chance to make some quick early decisions to start with for 1.7).
> [Phase 2] Second, broaden these ideas/questions out to the
> community-at-large (and especially to active repository managers in
> community), to receive input from non-developers on the release process.
> The goal here is to receive feedback from non-developers, and also see
> if there are ways that non-developers would like to be more involved
> with new releases. Valorie will help lead this phase of discussions.
> [Phase 3] Bring together ideas from all these discussions to develop a
> plan/proposal for moving forward. The final plan may be proposed by a
> smaller group (likely of both devs and non-devs), but will be open for
> comment and approved by the community-at-large. It's also highly likely
> that this plan may need to be implemented little-by-little, as the
> developers will have likely have already begun 1.7 planning/development
> by this point.
> We fully expect this entire process may be ongoing for a while. So, it
> will likely require some flexibility on our part as we start moving
> immediately towards a 1.7 release. In addition, none of us feel that any
> proposed changes need to happen overnight -- this is more an opportunity
> for us to all think about what we'd like to change and make small steps
> in that direction (potentially even small steps/improvements over
> several releases -- 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, etc.).
> Please let Val or I know if you have any comments, questions, concerns
> around this proposed process.
> Tim Donohue
> Technical Lead for DSpace Project

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