Good Day All,

I am new to this Dspace technical support group. My name is Ashlin from the 
University of Zululand. 
I was wondering if any of you could possibly assist, we are experiencing an 
error when harvesting is being done on Dspace. The following error attached 
as a text file is the error received when a harvest is performed. 

Trust to get some feedback regarding this issue.


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2019-10-30 02:52:21,301 INFO : Temporary folder: 
2019-10-30 02:52:21,301 INFO : Destination folder: 

2019-10-30 02:52:21,316 INFO : Harvest will start now
2019-10-30 02:52:21,926 INFO : Using request date format specified by the 
service: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO : The following 12 metadata format prefixes where 
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   uketd_dc
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   qdc
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   didl
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   mods
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   ore
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   mets
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   oai_dc
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   rdf
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   marc
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   xoai
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   dim
2019-10-30 02:52:22,191 INFO :   etdms
2019-10-30 02:52:22,207 INFO : Pulling the sets information from
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO : The following 48 sets will be used for the 
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   com_10530_1
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   com_10530_17
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   com_10530_3
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   com_10530_4
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   com_10530_1739
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_466
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_364
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_368
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_435
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_1740
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_471
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_475
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_589
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_421
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_467
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_396
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_453
2019-10-30 02:52:22,488 INFO :   col_10530_377
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_366
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_476
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_431
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_464
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_385
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_411
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_398
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_469
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_473
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_468
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_361
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_375
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_474
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_367
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_390
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_19
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_388
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_903
2019-10-30 02:52:22,504 INFO :   col_10530_472
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_379
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_452
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_378
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_407
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_502
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_442
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_418
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_394
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_470
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_365
2019-10-30 02:52:22,519 INFO :   col_10530_477
2019-10-30 02:52:22,535 INFO :  Set (1/48): com_10530_1
2019-10-30 02:52:22,535 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:23,863 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:24,410 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:24,957 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:25,238 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:25,535 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:25,816 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:26,113 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:26,394 INFO :  Set (2/48): com_10530_17
2019-10-30 02:52:26,394 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:26,691 INFO :  Set (3/48): com_10530_3
2019-10-30 02:52:26,691 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:26,972 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:27,269 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:27,566 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:27,863 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:28,129 INFO :  Set (4/48): com_10530_4
2019-10-30 02:52:28,129 INFO :
2019-10-30 02:52:51,942 ERROR: Error saving an xml document: The remote server 
returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal 
Server Error.
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.WebClient.GetWebContent(String url, List`1 
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Harvester.SaveXmlFromUrl(String url, String 
filename, List`1 headers, StringBuilder& failedXml, Int32 retries)
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Harvester.HarvestRecords(String repositoryUrl, 
String setSpec, String fromUTCDatetime, String untilUTCDatetime, List`1 headers)
2019-10-30 02:52:51,951 ERROR: Could not harvest from Error while harvesting using 
setSpec 'com_10530_4'. Will not continue
System.Exception: Error while harvesting using setSpec 'com_10530_4'. Will not 
continue ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: 
(500) Internal Server Error.
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Harvester.HarvestRecords(String repositoryUrl, 
String setSpec, String fromUTCDatetime, String untilUTCDatetime, List`1 headers)
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Harvester.HarvestRecordBatch(String 
repositoryUrl, String setSpec, String fromUTCDatetime, String untilUTCDatetime, 
List`1 headers)
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Harvester.Harvest(String repositoryUrl, String 
fromUTCDatetime, String untilUTCDatetime, List`1 headers)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Harvester.Harvest(String repositoryUrl, String 
fromUTCDatetime, String untilUTCDatetime, List`1 headers)
   at EBSCO.DDP.OAIPMHHarvester.Program.RunHarvestingDefinitions(String 
baseDownloadDir, DownloadMode mode, List`1 hDefs, Boolean resumeHarvest)
2019-10-30 02:52:51,954 ERROR: Harvest operation has been aborted!
2019-10-30 02:52:51,954 INFO : Errors were encountered during harvest.
2019-10-30 02:52:51,955 INFO : Checkpoint has not been set.
2019-10-30 02:52:51,955 INFO : Downloaded data is available in folder: 
2019-10-30 02:52:51,957 INFO : No resumptionToken available. Cannot persist 
info for resumption of harvest at point of error.
2019-10-30 02:52:51,957 INFO : 

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