  I'm currently running DSpace version 7.6.1 and using LDAP
authentication.  I'm wondering if there is a method of either removing
the "Have you Forgot your password?" link or being able to change the link
to point to another site.
  I saw a related issue (https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/issues/8293) but
it looks like that is still on the "To Do" board for 7.6.x (
  I've attempted using an Apache HTTPD rewrite rule to redirect /forgot to
the password reset page that we want users to use but that only seems to
work if the user goes directly to the /forgot URL.  I'm guessing that when
a user clicks on the link under the "Login" drop-down that it is JavaScript
doing the URL change so it doesn't actually hit the Apache HTTPD server in
order to do a rewrite (although I could be doing it wrong).
  My next attempt might be to change the forgot-password-form Angular
components in the theme but that might cause me other issues.
  Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!

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