I patched a test 6.3 instance and ran the the code using  'bin/dspace dsrun
org.dspace.util.SolrUpgradePre6xStatistics'. The 'legacy' label has been 
removed from the Total Visits and Total Visits Per Month entries. The File 
Visits are still showing the 'legacy' label.

It looks like the code is not resolving the IDs of the Bitstreams for the 
download statistics.

Nason Bimbe

On Wednesday, 7 August 2019 16:13:11 UTC+1, Anne Lawrence wrote:
> We are migrating from DSpace 5 to 6. We created a new instance of DSpace 6 
> and copied the database to it. We migrated this database to DSpace 6 and 
> ran the SOLR indexing successfully. (One thing new about the 6 instance is 
> that we are using nginx, so we had to configure that.) In DSpace 5, we 
> found that solr-export-statistics and solr-import-statistics appeared to do 
> nothing, so we tarred and  copied the /dspace/solr/statistics/ to new 
> machines as a way of migrating the SOLR stats. When we did this for this 
> new DSpace 6 instance, no statistics display, probably because the SOLR 
> records use IDs rather than UUIDs. I notice that there is a tool scheduled 
> for DSpace 6.4, "Upgrade Legacy DSpace Object Identifiers (pre-6x 
> statistics) to DSpace 6x UUID Identifiers 
> <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC6x/SOLR+Statistics+Maintenance#SOLRStatisticsMaintenance-UpgradeLegacyDSpaceObjectIdentifiers(pre-6xstatistics)toDSpace6xUUIDIdentifiers>
> ," but we'd prefer not to wait for that. Does anyone have suggestions for 
> working this out? 
> Thanks,
> Anne Lawrence
> Repository Application Administrator
> Virginia Tech
> https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/

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