
I'm using DSpace-CRIS 5.8, I found some search filter of projects not work, 
like I have a projects and it's field startdate is 2018,

but when I add search filter startdate contains 2018 , I couldn't find any 
results, and no exception threw , when I tried it on Dspace-cris-demo,

it didn't work , too.  The sames problem is happening at Funders filter.

Hear are bean config in discovery.xml 
<!--The search filters which can be used on the discovery search page -->
-<property name="searchFilters">


<ref bean="searchFilterObjectName"/>

<ref bean="searchFilterProjectFunders"/>

<ref bean="searchFilterProjectPrincipalDept"/>

<ref bean="searchFilterProjectInvestigator"/>

<ref bean="searchFilterProjectInvestigatorDept"/>

<ref bean="searchFilterProjectKeyword"/>

<ref bean="searchFilterStartDate"/>




<property name="indexFieldName" value="startdate"/>

-<property name="metadataFields">






<property name="type" value="date"/>

<property name="sortOrder" value="VALUE"/>


The same config of orgunit works fine , so what should I do to make 
project's search filters work?

Thanks a lot.
huaiyuan zhang 

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