I'm trying to figure out why the dspace installation I'm working on has
stopped logging usage events. Settings appear to be correct, daily
dspace.log files are created containing  some DSIndexer info lines, but
there are no longer any org.dspace.browse or webui  log events any more, so
statistic reports are returning no values.

the section from my log4j.properties file for the A1 logger is below, I'm
struggling to figure out how to get usage stats back.

# A1 is the name of the appender for most DSpace activity.
# The root category is the default setting for all non-DSpace code.
# Change this from INFO to DEBUG to see extra logging created by non-DSpace
# code.
log4j.rootCategory=INFO, A1
# This line sets the logging level for DSpace code. Set this to DEBUG to see
# extra detailed logging for DSpace code.
log4j.logger.org.dspace=INFO, A1
# Do not change this line
# The name of the file appender
# The filename of the log file created. A date stamp is appended to this
# Set this to yyyy-MM-DD for daily log files, or yyyy-MM for monthly files
# The number of log files to keep, or 0 to keep them all
# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %c @ %m%n

Any advice would be great.


Jesse Johnston
University of Minnesota Duluth
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