Hello to all,

I would like to be able to dynamically customize the input forms during 
submission via a method similar to the Initial Questions step. I'm wondering if 
anyone has ever attempted to add more questions to the "Initial Questions" 
step. It looks to me like this would require adding fields to the WORKSPACEITEM 
and WORKFLOWITEM database tables at minimum (I'm sure many other API's would be 
affected). My gut feeling is that this is a bad idea.

I've classified a couple different types of resources that will be submitted to 
my collections, each with a slightly different set of metadata. My goal is to 
be able to limit the input fields based on the resource type being submitted. I 
know that I could write custom forms in input-forms.xml and then map the custom 
forms to separate collections...but that's not what I'm going for. I need 
something dynamic.

All suggestions are welcome.

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solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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