***apologies for cross-posting***

CINECA[1] and the University of Hong Kong (HKU)[2] are pleased to 
announce the immediate availability for download of the first 4.x 
version of the DSpace CRIS module (based on DSpace 4.1):


Publications are an important output of the research cycle. They allow 
communication between scholars, and measurement and decision support of 
research amongst research administrators. However there are many other 
equally important entities in research that need description and 
tracking, such as projects, grants, patents, organization units, 
researcher profiles (people), etc. Integrating and contextualizing all 
of these entities along with publications, adds greater value to each 
individual piece, in terms of visibility, discovery, and understanding 
of the total research picture. One name used for such integrations is 
Current Research Information System (CRIS).


This DSpace addon enables the ingestion, storage, display and management 
of metadata and fulltext on these other research entities. This module 
produces a smooth integration between native DSpace items (publications) 
and other CRIS entities. All entities (native DSpace items or new CRIS 
Entities) can be linked with each other using autocomplete/lookup 
functions in the submission edit phase and/or the inter-navigation in 

The updated DSpace CRIS Roadmap can be found here: 

The list of the DSpace-CRIS features can be found here: 

The techinical documentation is available here:

The major changes from the previous release are:
1. upgrade to DSpace 4.1 and to the bootstrap layout also for the 
DSpace-CRIS pages
2. upgrade to Hibernate 4
3. full support for Oracle (tested on 11.g R2 and 12.c), other than 
PostgreSQL 9.x
4. Easier installation process (as detailed below)

At the technical level we worked hard to make the installation procedure 
easier. To meet this goal we have decided to dismiss the dspace-cris 
GitHub submodule and make all the source available as a fork of the 
DSpace repository. This mean that the 
https://github.com/Cineca/dspace-cris repository is now available only 
for historical reason and for use with old releases. All you need 
starting with the 4.1 version is located in the 
https://github.com/Cineca/DSpace repository. Another change that will 
make easier the DSpace-CRIS installation is the use of the native DSpace 
SOLR webapp this has been possible as Cineca has contributed the SOLR 
upgrade directly to the DSpace codebase in the 4.0 release.

The DSpace-CRIS versions are automatically checked by Travis CI:
4.1.0: https://travis-ci.org/Cineca/DSpace/builds/27450750

Some of this code base has already made its way into general DSpace 
releases.  Other parts of the code base, should the community judge to 
be general enough, will also be contributed to future DSpace releases. 
However we envision that most of this work will be an optional addon, 
which DSpace developers can choose to implement, or not. In the spirit 
of open source, we hope that this DSpace CRIS module will receive wide 
adoption in the DSpace community. We hope that many will find it useful 
and then build further upon this start. To enable this desired 
multilateral collaboration, we ask that you send any inquires directly 
to the dspace mailing lists (mainly dspace-tech at lists.sourceforge.net).

We invite all the interested parties to get in touch with us. Up to now, 
this has been a collaboration between CINECA and HKU. The HKU side is 
supported by funding from the HKU Office of Knowledge Exchange and the 
University Libraries.

A note on mailing list etiquette: 

[1] http://www.cineca.it/

[2] http://www.hku.hk/

Andrea Bollini
Soluzioni per la Ricerca Istituzionale

Via dei Tizii, 6
00185 Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 44 486 087 - mob. +39 348 82 77 525

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