Hello guys,
I have been successful in installing Dspace 4.2 and it is up running now.
But i am getting some problems..:(

1) Any other user of the system other than "dspace" is not able to access
the Dspace page in browser. It keeps on looking for the page. I have made
changes in postgresql.conf file to make postmaster listening to all IP
addresses but no success (although it doesn't matter). Please tell me what
could be the problem.

2)Even after accessing the Dspace page after logging in as "dspace" i am not
able to add any new user or to add any entry. It shows after accepting the
data that "The system has experienced an internal error. Please try to do
what you were doing again, and if the problem persists, please contact us so
we can fix the problem" i.e Internal System Error.

I think the database or postmaster is creating some error. I am running
postgres (PostgreSQL) 8.2.5 and JDBC2 driver is
postgresql-8.2-507.jdbc2.jaris placed in [dspace]/lib directory.
Any help would be appreciated..
Sunil Ghai
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