DSpace Users / Devs -
(Wasn't sure for which list this would be more appropriate, apologies for cross-posting)

We're looking to move our repository's production DSpace instance from the JSPUI to the XMLUI. I've been working with the Manakin interface for a while, but have hit a bit of a stumbling block with Aspects.

Some of the requested changes seem to be more within the realms of the DIM-Handler.xsl or further back within the/an aspect's java code. All of the resources I've found for introductions to Aspect development are either too high level or just very outdated. I was hoping that members of the list might have recommendations for resources that would help in the effort of customizing the interface beyond what is available through overwriting existing xsl templates.

An example customization might be:
Moving the location in which "Copyright and License" appears on Community, Sub-Community, Collection, and Item pages. Let's say I want to move this to the bottom of the page, where at the moment it appears below the level (community, collection, item, etc) description but above other parts of the page (recent submissions, etc).

The steps I've performed so far are:
1) Searched through files for the string "Copyright and License" which pulled up the "messages.xml" file. 2) Found the "Copyright and License" string as having the key "xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.copyright". 3) Searched the code for the "xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.copyright" string, found within the DIM-Handler.xsl file. 4) Found two instances of the following template containing the "xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.copyright" string:
<xsl:template match="dim:dim" mode="collectionDetailView-DIM">
5) This template is not named, so cannot be called specifically from a parent template. This would seem to say that the rendering order of the html is based upon something other than directives found within the xsl transformations. The template is matching "dim:dim" which seems to indicate that there's a "secondary DRI" (for lack of a better description) whose elements I might want to reorder toward the goal of having these elements displayed in non-standard rendering order in the final html page.

In the "structural.xsl", the prefix "dri:" is used, where in the DIM- Handler.xsl the prefix "dim:" is used. This seems to support the notion that there's another "dri-like" xml document in the cocoon chain that's helping to build the final output.

Two things I'd be very interested in are:
A) Resources I could use to read up about the "dim:" part of the pipeline. B) Resources that might provide insight into how to manipulate existing Aspects.

I'm familiar with pre-2.2 Cocoon (before the spring/maven foundation was implemented) and related concepts (sitemaps, selectors, matchers, generators, etc).

My educated guess is that my next step along the journey is to trace the Artifact Browser aspect from the sitemap through the cocoon pipeline back all the way to the underlying java code and just explore. Any tips, hints, suggestions, or resources though would be highly appreciated!

 - Patrick E.
Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
email: patrick.etie...@library.gatech.edu
phone: 404.385.8121

"Mediocre Writers Borrow; Great Writers Steal" - T.S. Eliot


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