Hi all,

      I'd like to go more in depth around what Tim already said. Cineca is
      proud to offer all the functionalities, concepts and idea behind
      DSpace-CRIS to the mainstream community. The code is already
      available (since 2012) and shared with the same license as DSpace (BSD).

      We are strongly convinced that a modern IR needs to manage a rich
      data model where new entities are necessary to better describe the
      primary object managed by the repository (the digital object).
      When this digital object is indeed a publication and the context
      is the academic research we envision that a better understanding
      of the whole research ecosystem is appropriate, and this is where
      DSpace meets CRIS (or RIMS) systems.

      Our expectation is to have an enhanced DSpace where the "CRIS" can
      become a specific profile (or configuration), living side-to-side
      with grey material repositories, data repositories, digitalization
      projects, museum, etc.

      Cineca is also engaged with the project of a new single UI for the
      DSpace community: DSpace-CRIS will be still here in the next years
      hopefully as part of the standard distribution or as a more
      lightweigh extension that will play nicely with the new single UI
      whichever it will be.

      That said, if there is enough interest we are also available, for those 
who cannot or don't want to wait for the new UI, to make a simple
      integration of DSpace-CRIS with XMLUI where a migration to JSPUI
      is not an option.


Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: Tim Donohue <tdono...@duraspace.org> 
Data: 17/06/2015  15:39  (GMT+01:00) 
A: "Schuster, David" <dschus...@mail.twu.edu>, 
Oggetto: Re: [Dspace-tech] So the CRIS module only works with JSPUI? 

Hi David,

Correct, CRIS is only for the JSPUI at this time. Currently DSpace-CRIS 
is essentially a separate application, based on the DSpace JSPUI and 
supported primarily by CINECA (who developed DSpace-CRIS). While you can 
migrate to DSpace-CRIS from an existing DSpace, it changes the 
underlying data model (so you are no longer running the out-of-the-box 
DSpace).  More info here:


While migration of DSpace-CRIS into "core" DSpace is not yet on the 
RoadMap, there have been informal discussions with CINECA on trying to 
find a way to make CRIS easier to "enable" or "install" for those who 
want that type of functionality (so it isn't an entirely different 
application with a different data model). But, this idea is dependent on 
coming up with a better definition/structure for DSpace third-party 
"modules" (which is on the RoadMap), so that we can better 
enable/support this sort of "plugability" in DSpace.  More info on the 
Roadmap in general is at: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/RoadMap

- Tim

On 6/17/2015 8:06 AM, Schuster, David wrote:
> Just wanting to be sure.  We have been running the XMLUI interface as
> that was what seemed the best option 2 years ago.
> Are there plans for porting it to XMLUI or what advice would people give
> if we were interested in the CRIS module.
> David Schuster
> Texas Woman's University
> Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
> Phone: 940-898-3909
> dschus...@twu.edu <mailto:dschus...@twu.edu>
> emailsignature
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