Good morning!


I have two conceptual ideas about our DSpace repository that I am not sure
are correct.  I am basically struggling with questions of interoperability
- we want our detailed metadata to appear in VuFind and we want to create
detailed OCLC records with Digital Gateway.  


First, I am hoping with all hope that the detailed metadata we have worked
very hard to create for our DSpace repository can somehow be exposed through
OAI (I know that the default OAI only provides the basic DC elements).  I
have gone through the documentation and it looks like the qdc crosswalk can
be configured to show additional metadata - but what files do you have to
configure to add a new metadata field to be displayed by the OAI qdc (i.e.
to create a new crosswalk)?  I'm kind of confused by the language in the


"Qualified Dublin Core, produced by the configurable QDC crosswalk. Note
that this QDC does not include all of the DSpace "dublin core" metadata
fields, since the XML standard for QDC is defined for a different set of
elements and qualifiers." (My emphasis)


Second, because we can't use the XMLUI admin interface on our live site and
for other reasons, I would like to use SWORD in order to perform all of our
batch importing and batch metadata editing/curation on a dev site and then
have the collection pushed into the live site via SWORD to avoid doing all
this work with live records - is it possible to use SWORD to transfer many
items at a time?  Or is this just not a good idea - what is the practice for
setting up a new community with multiple collections and thousands of items
imported as batches, checking them, making corrections and without doing it
in public view?


Thanks so much in advance for your time and patience!  Also - I have written
an R script which will make a SIP from a spreadsheet of metadata -- if
anyone wants it email me! 


Simon Brown


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