Greetings, DSpace community,

I want to thank everyone once again for last week's stimulating
discussion and impressive chat turnout! I have a new question for
everyone this week, pursuant to some discussion on the lists:

"Statistics" are one of the commonest requests for a new DSpace
feature. Without further specification, however, it's hard to know
what data to present, since there are no standards or even clear best
practices in this area. What statistics do the following groups of
DSpace users need to see, and in what form are the statistics best
presented to them?

End-users (defined as "people examining items and downloading
bitstreams from a DSpace instance;" we may have to refine this further
in discussion)
DSpace repository managers (as distinct from systems administrators)

What else should developers keep in mind as they implement this feature?

Because it would be nice to reach a working consensus on this (unlike
last week's question, which was intended to pull out as broad a
selection of needs as possible), I think we should start discussing
immediately. I encourage all respondents to respond TO THE MAILING
LIST instead of to me.

I will be holding another chat to discuss the weekly question. It will
take place Wednesday 27 August in the DSpace IRC chatroom, #dspace on I apologize to West Coast (USA) community members
for last week's unconscionably early hour; we'll try 10 am US Central
(11 am Eastern, 4 pm GMT) this week, and we may go even later next
week if our European community members can stand it.

For those who don't normally use IRC, there are two easy web gateways.
One is; the other is specific to our channel and can be
found at <>. I encourage
all of us to become familiar with the channel; it is a source of
real-time technical information from DSpace developers, as well as a
community in its own right.


Digital Repository Librarian AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
Rm 218, Memorial Library
(608) 262-5493

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