
I've forwarding this to the dspace-tech listserv as well.

Here's a useful reference for configuring DSpace to use GMail (note that 
you have to configure your SMTP settings to use port 465 and enable SSL):


Please post any further questions and information about error messages 
to the dspace-tech listserv.


- Tim

On 5/17/2012 11:38 AM, vishweshwar bhat wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> Thanks for the prompt reply, but i am getting internal server error when
> i register for new user even dspace email-test gives error MessageException.
> C:\dspace\bin>dspace test-email
> Using DSpace installation in: C:\dspace
> About to send test email:
>   - To: vkbh...@gmail.com <mailto:vkbh...@gmail.com>
>   - Subject: DSpace test email
>   - Server: smtp.gmail.com <http://smtp.gmail.com>
> Error sending email:
>   - Error: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP
> host: smtp.gm <http://smtp.gm>
> ail.com <http://ail.com>, port: 587;
>    nested exception is:
>          javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext
> connecti
> on?
> Please see the DSpace documentation for assistance.
> Since I am using gmail as email id.
> I read that we need to modify email.java file.
> If i modify the email.java file than do I need to redo everything.
> Kindly guide me out.
> Thanks and Regards,
> V. K. Bhat
> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Tim Donohue <tdono...@duraspace.org
> <mailto:tdono...@duraspace.org>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Unless you are doing something complex, you should not need to
>     modify the existing email.java file in DSpace.  Instead, you should
>     be able to just modify the dspace email settings in the dspace.cfg
>     file as described in our documentation at:
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/__display/DSDOC18/Configuration#__Configuration-__DSpaceEmailSettings
> <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC18/Configuration#Configuration-DSpaceEmailSettings>
>     We recommend posting questions all questions to the DSpace
>     Technology Listserv (dspace-tech):
>     https://lists.sourceforge.net/__lists/listinfo/dspace-tech/
>     <https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dspace-tech/>
>     Posting your questions to the mailing list ensures that others can
>     help you resolve your problems (which is extremely useful when it is
>     a problem that others may have encountered in the past).
>     In addition, when you post your question, we ask that you post more
>     information about any error message(s) you are seeing (if any), or
>     add more details about what you are attempting to do.
>     In order to locate the underlying error message, you will often need
>     to check your DSpace logs and/or Tomcat logs. Information on
>     locating error messages in your logs can be found at:
>     https://wiki.duraspace.org/__display/DSPACE/Troubleshoot+__an+error
>     <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Troubleshoot+an+error>
>     Good luck! Please post any further questions and information about
>     error messages to the dspace-tech listserv as described above.
>     - Tim
>     On Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:38:18 AM, vkbh...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:vkbh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Dear Sir,
>         do i need to go through all the procedure after making changes
>         in email.java file
>         mvn package
>         ant fresh_install
>         Kindly guide me out to the earliest as it is much time consuming
>         is their any short cut.
>         It would be very kind of you if you can mail me email.java file
>         which will help me to get email connectivity.
>         Thanks and regards,
>         V. K. Bhat
>         India First Foundation School

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