Hello All

I've had several emails over the weekend asking very similar questions on my 
software, so I'm going to make some comments and observations here.

Why ?  Quite simple - I already have a very busy day (and evening) job, and the 
time I have to reply/work on the code is very limited.

1) What is the build that I'm aiming for ?

- The aim of my project was very simple - to be able to put a 70cm D-Star 
repeater on air that did not use any Icom "moving parts."  As 2m is pretty-much 
full in the UK, and 23cm not available, this is primarily a single-band system 
on 70cm.  The group of which I am a member already operates a 70cm IRLP node, 
GB3MH, and we have site clearance for GB7MH.  

- Build-wise, I am using the first-generation Satoshi Node Adapter, the latest 
v4 firmware and a fanless Mini ITX system running CentOS 4.6 from a 4GB CF 
card.   I haven't had time to look at the Satoshi v5 system or the Radio Modem 
from Fred van Kempen - work has just been too busy.

- The radio is a Tait T800 tuned by someone that knows far more about radios 
that I ever will.

2) Do you support D-Plus, D-Star Monitor, D-anything-else.

- My software replaces the RPC2 and the Gateway.  However, it does "echo" the 
RPC2->Gateway frames, so any other code package that currently runs on a real 
G2 gateway and listens for those frames (e.g. Robin Cutshaw's D-Plus package or 
Pete Lovealls D-Star Monitor package) will run exactly as if it were on an Icom 
G2 system.

- In theory, I could write the other half of the protocol to fully emulate the 
Gateway->RPC2 frames.  I have descriptions for most of those.  But I don't 
(currently) have an RPC2 that I could play with.  It is a thought, and I do 
have some very interesting offers.

3) Do you support Callsign Routing/G2 Synchronisation ?

- Yes.  I sync to the world-wide Trust Server kindly run by the K5TIT team for 
the benefit of all Amateurs.  The whole point of the project was as a total 
replacement for an Icom G2 stack.  I see the inclusion of G2 registration and 
callsign routing as a fundamental part of the project.

- There is one exception - multicast routing.  I can route to other systems on 
Slash routing, but I don't have any mechanics to build local multicast groups.  

- User registration is also vital.  I use the same logic as the G2 system does 
to register the first IP address on the G2 system.  I don't currently have the 
ability to add additional suffixes within the subnet zero block.  Users go to 
an HTTPS page to register; the admin then validates them and they are included 
in the G2 sync.

4) Why isn't this code available yet ?

- I'm a Network Engineer by profession, and I've seen far too many applications 
thrown together quickly without sufficient testing on pre-production systems or 
in limited Beta/Alphas.  There are also two concerns:  1) If I release 
something that is broken, I will spend what little time I have left supporting 
it.   2) If I release something that breaks the network for everyone else, I 
will be in a lot of trouble and could close development for everyone else.   

- As soon as I have GB7MH on-air, then I will quickly know just where the flaws 
in the code are - and there are bound to be some.  However, GB7MH is a group 
project and others are working very hard to ready the site for installation.  
Getting Internet Access to the bell tower of a church in rural south-east 
England is not easy.  

- My initial thoughts are to release the system to other repeater groups.  It 
isn't designed to be a D-Star hot-spot and it isn't designed to link analogue 
and digital modes.  If groups wish to clone my build, then I see no reason why 
they couldn't be part of my Alpha/Beta trials.  Of course, all donations to the 
installation and upkeep of GB7MH would be gratefully received.

- Open Source ?   I don't know....  Here's my concern.  I know how this works, 
where the flaws are, what breaks.  If someone took my code, modified it and 
brought the whole of the G2 network crashing down (yes, it IS possible to do 
that from one ZoneRP), then I would ultimately be morally responsible.  I don't 
want to put myself in that position.

5) Where next ?

- My focus is in code stability, co-existence with the G2 network and in 
delivering GB7MH.   Any future direction will depend on those.

If you have emailed me direct, I WILL respond, but it can sometimes take me 
many days if not weeks to respond.  

73 - David G4ULF

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