overall.  Many free lookups. input city and state, get CLLI. to lookup by zip code


Not all towns or zips have CLLIs.  If you can't find one, make it up.  We're
not talking a "standard" here, at least not yet.  If you don't find a match
for your town and state, you might find another town of the same name in a
different state.  The city code should be the same.

It's just some ideas to help name your xcvr memories.  Adapt as needed.

Paid users get more download options.  The rest of us need to work a bit to
assemble the info we need.

73, Pete WG2J



From: []
On Behalf Of bosshardss
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:38 AM
Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: Simplify Abbreviations for Alpha Tags



Any recommendation on where I can obtain the CLLI code for City and State
(US). Every place I look cost $$$$... steve

--- In
<> , "Pete" <mic...@...> wrote:
> Hi Ed and all.
> True enough CA may be California or Canada. BUT National geographic
> designation is not specified, or else the prefix code could be US or CA.

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