Plots For Sale :

Dubai Land
Shopping Mall Plot / Entertainment Arena / Exhibition Centre –
Near Al Barari
G+2 / G+4,
PLOT SIZE: 160,000 sqft
BUA: 493,895 sqft,
Permission : Retail / Commercial (except School / Hospital)
SP : AED 80,000,000 net Neg

Dubai Land
Mizin, Majan Area ,
District R,
G+6 ,
PLOT SIZE: 9746 sqft ,
BUA: 37,033 SQFT  ,
Permission : Residential
SP: AED 5,184,620/- Net

Dubai Land
Nad AL Shibbha,
District RT,
G+4 ,
PLOT AREA: 11247 sqft ,
BUA: 33740 sqft ,
Permission : Retail
SP: AED 6,748,000/-  Net

Dubai Land
The Villa Plot , District RL
PLOT AREA: 11,000 sqft
Permossion : Residential
SP : AED 2,915,000/- Net

International City
Phase 3 , District H,
G+3 / G+7 ,
PLOT SIZE: 26,058 sqft ,
BUA: 57,000 sqft  ,
Permission:  Residential
SP: AED 4,429,860/- Net

G + 10
PLOT SIZE: 16,808 sqft
BUA : 134,468 sqft
Mixed Use
SP : AED 14,119,140/-  Net

Dubai World Central
PLOT SIZE: 25,899
BUA : 46,618.73
Permission: Residential
SP: AED 5,034,823/-  Net

*Thanks and 
*Sr. Property Consultant*
*Mob :   +971 55 4059157**

 *Register your Properties with us to get the best deals on Rent, Sale and

*Note:* Prices & Availabilities may change without any Notification.

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