In June, I'll be taking a trip to Japan, and I'm not exactly looking 
forward to the 12+ hour airplane ride. I'd love to use my 2400 for 
mp3's and games at least half of the way there, and my 2400's aging 
LiIon batt will only last an hour. No airline power jacks are on the 
flight I'm on, so that isn't an option.

I'm thinking about using off the shelf, pre assembeled NiCad packs 
that are normaly used on RC cars. No complex charging circutry is 
need to rechare NiCads, so that a plus. These cels normaly yeaild 
about 2000mHa at 1.2 volts, but it woult take 20 of these to supply 
the needed 24 volts.

The big question is, what the lowest voltage I can run my 2400 off of?

Another idea would to use more plentiful WallStreet/Lombard/Pismo 
batteries and an adaptor rig. The advantage is that I'm travling with 
2 WallStreet and one Lombard owner, and they could charge the 
batteries for the return trip. But, because there are intelgent 
batteries, I'v heard that that won't work.

I'm trying to avoin anything that loks cobbeled together that might 
scare airport security. Fourty NiCad cells wired up and duct taped 
together might look like somthing it isn't on the x-ray or a visual 
inspection, if you get my drift :-)

Or, should I just try to track down inexpensive 2400 LiIon? Yeah, 
right, like that'll happen.

Or, should I just buckle under and get that $400 3 hour booster 
battery pack and find somthing else to do for 7 hours?
Peter Liethen   -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -

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