
Really great story. Thanks for sharing your memories.

In 1990 When I was K4LYG I worked 7O1AA #252 DXCC Country
for me. As you may recall 9K2CS Mohammed from Kuwait had the logs.
My first attempt to get qsl direct to 9K2CS. After a period of time
no reply I learned logs had been damaged in fires in Kuwait by Iraq Army
torching Kuwait Oil Fields!!! So I was about to give up on that qsl being history. Heard thru dx chat(on the air at that time) I might try DL2BCH
as he was trying to salvage some data from the damaged logs. Sent 2nd qsl
request to DL2BCH 3 23 91 with SAE $1.00. On 10 13 91 received my
7O1AA qsl in the mail. As paper chasers we need to never, never, never give up on receiving that coveted piece of cardboard we need for our beloved hobby.
Good DX to all in 2011 and beyond.

73 Marc, W4WM

----- Original Message ----- From: "Urb LeJeune" <u...@usats.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Great Story


In the late 1960s I was one country off the top of the honor roll,
Heard Island. I lost interest in DX and faded away. One Heard Island
DXpedition came and gone. Then in 1983 VK0CW was activated. I
put up a 20 meter dipole and worked them. I could now say I worked
them all. However, I never sent for a card.

Fast forward to late 2009 and I got back on the air. I won't say
I was away from DX for a long time but a DL was a new country. As I
started working all time new countries I started to wonder if a card
from VK0CW was at all possible. I posted a request for help on the
NJDXA DX-CHAT reflector and received many replies. One of the
replies suggest trying Dan, N2DT.

Yesterday an envelope from N2DT arrived with the coveted
VK0CW QSL and a note. The enclosed note said:

"About half the log papers were ruined about 10 years ago due to
flooding in my basement. I also didn't recall having any more blank

But ... because of my affection for Elliot, W2DIE (NJDXA SK) , and
the NJDXA I dug through the water-distended packages and found an
entry for W2DEC. Then I tore apart my store room and came upon
3 blank QSLs.


Dan N2DT

Almost 28 years to the day after the QSO the VK0CW cards
arrived.  I now have #1 DXCC circa 1967 :-)

Thanks again to all the people who replied to my request for help.
Moral of the story, never give up on a QSL.

73 es DX

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