I have been to Reunion Island and have spent time with Herik.   His son lived
with us here in the U.S. for a while.   Wonderful man and family!

Mail receipt IS a problem on Reunion.   

Any mail addressed to Reunion Island automatically goes through Madagascar (yes,
even a large proportion of airmail addressed to "Reunion via France") where mail
integrity rivals the worst of the old Iron Block countries. 

The safest way to QSL Herik is to his FRANCE address ONLY.

I won't speak for Herik, but he is very sensitive to his QSLing complaints.   He
loves ham radio and I'm sure one of the reasons he's not on much any more is
because he doesn't want to hear complaints about not QSLing.   To my knowledge
he is fastidious about getting every QSL returned, whether direct or via buro. 
 He returns what he receives.   He can't QSL if he never gets the card!  If he
was "QSOing for greenstamps," he would be on the air a lot more!   It is so easy
for most of us to be critical when we take our mail service for granted.

Now, you know the "rest of the story."

Glenn WØGJ

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