Do you want to keep CW as an important part of ham radio... try these steps, regardless of what the FCC may do:

1. Make at least one CW contact yourself for each phone contact you make on the air.

2. Be the person in your ham club that runs a certificate program, based on a club-sponsored set of CW runs (tests) and give wall paper for those who qualify.... use several levels of speeds. Lack a club? Form one.

3.  Meet your friendly skeds on CW instead of phone.

4.  Call CQ on CW on seemingly dead bands (even spot yourself?).

5. Talk up the lore of CW to all your ham friends and tell stories about how you snagged a new one via CW.

6. If u r a DXpedition or a rare county or island , do ur contacts only on CW.

7. Start a contact on phone and ask the op to change to CW to complete the QSO.

There must be more good ideas. The bottom line is that, instead of moaning about what the government may do, do YOURSELF steps to keep CW a vital part of ham radio. Then, it will not matter at all what the dumb ole FCC does with CW.

Charles Harpole

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