Did he send a QTH?


QRZ or FCC won't be any help, the mailing address is listed as a NY State PO
Box.  QRZ adds that the QSL address is via JA8OLD, so that does indicate
that a Pacific QTH is more likely.


Buckmaster indicates that his previous call was KH0UE, which is of no help.
But they do offer to sell you a very pretty name badge with his name & call
on it.


And the icing on the cake. last week's 425 DX News indicates that JA6GLD,
operator of WH0AA, will be active from Saipan on 22-26 October, QSL via home
call.  Information source cited is the Daily DX, so I'd place my bets that
he's in the Marianas.


Good catch on 30, by the way.





From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Garth
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 10:32 PM
To: DX-Chat
Subject: [DX-CHAT] WH0AA qth?


Can anyone confirm the QTH of WH0AA? Worked this morning on 30 meters. I
have seen spots that say the Mariana Islands and some say Guam (/KH2)



Garth, KW4MM

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