27 December 2003 No 660 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - BBS [EMAIL PROTECTED])            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
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                    *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
                    * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
                    *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
                    *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *

A5     - Dane, S57CQ/A52CQ [425DXN 658] has been in Bhutan since 25  December
         and will remain through 14 January. He plans to be active as much as
         he can on all bands; there is not any antenna for 160 metres, but he
         will try to use some wires. QSL via S57DX. [TNX S57DX]
FO_aus - Veko/OH1AWW, Jouko/OH1RX, Henri/OH3JR, Veijo/OH6KN and  Kimmo/OH9MDV
         will be active from the Austral  Islands on 5-19 January. They  plan
         to operate on all bands CW, SSB and digital modes, with an  emphasis
         on the low bands. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - The Amateur  Radio Group  of RAI  (the Italian  TV and  Broadcasting
         Corporation) will operate (on 20,  40 and 160  metres) as II9RAI  on
         3-4 January  to  celebrate the  50th  anniversary of  the  first  TV
         broadcasting. Special event  stations II0RAI/# will  be also  active
         through January from different call areas. QSL via bureau to IK0ZRR.
KG4    - Bill, W4WX will operate (HF and  6 metres) as KG4DX from  Guantanamo
         on 13-19 January. QSL direct to home call, or via LoTW. [TNX W4WX]
LU     - Look for LU1EDX/D and LU8DCH/D to be active from Isla Martin  Garcia
         (SA-055) on 27-28 December. They plan  to operate on 10, 20, 40,  80
         and 160 metres SSB, CW and  digital modes. QSL direct or via  bureau
         to LW2DVM. [TNX LU8DCH]
PJ6    - Joeke, PA0VDV  will  operate  (only  CW)  as  PJ6/PA0VDV  from  Saba
         (NA-145) from 24 January to 18  February. QSL via home call,  direct
         (Joeke van  der  Velde,  Delleburen  1,  8421  RP  Oldeberkoop,  The
         Netherlands) or through the bureau. [TNX PA0VDV]
PY     - Emilio, PU5HAS will  be active (only  on 10  and 80  metres SSB)  as
         PY5/PU5HAS from Mel Island (SA-047) on  15-17 January. QSL via  home
         call, direct or bureau. [TNX PT7WA]
TI     - Bob, KE0UI will  be active  as TI5/KE0UI  from Costa  Rica until  31
         December. This is a low power operation with modest antennas; CW  on
         WARC bands is his be priority. QSL via home call, bureau or  direct.
         [TNX NG3K]
V5     - Hide, JM1LJS/JD1BLK will  operate (on 40-10  metres SSB  and CW)  as
         V5/JD1BLK from  Namibia  from 29  December  to 2  January.  QSL  via
         JM1LJS. Details  can be  found at  http://radio-dream.com/v5/jd1blk/
         [TNX JM1LJS]
VK9_ck - Ken, JA1CMD  (N4XJ) has had  to cancel his announced VK9CA operation
         from  Cocos/Keeling [425DXN 657]  owing to  transportation  problems
         beyond his control. [TNX K4ST]
W      - K6KPH will be on the air (3545,  7050 and 14050 kHz) once again  for
         the Straight Key Night this New Year's Eve. K6KPH uses the  original
         transmitters, receivers and antennas of famous ex-RCA coast  station
         KPH. The  transmitters  are  located  at  the  transmitting  station
         founded by the  American Marconi  Co. in  1913 at  Bolinas, CA.  The
         receivers and operators will be at  the KPH receiving station  about
         20 miles north at Pt. Reyes,  CA. QSLs and reception reports  should
         be sent to Ms. D.A. Stoops,  P.O. Box   381, Bolinas CA  94924-0381,
         USA. [TNX DL8AAM and W6AWO]
XF4    - The FMRE (Federacion Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores) bulletin has
         announced a DXpedition to Socorro Island (NA-030), Revillagigedo  to
         start on 3 March for two weeks. The 95% of the paperwork is done and
         eight operators (namely XE1IH, XE1J, XE1AVM, XE1GRR, XE1KOF,  XE1XR,
         XE1GLL and XE2ML) are expected to  be active as  XF4IH on all  bands
         and modes. QSL route TBA. [TNX XE1KK]
YV     - Jose, YV6BTF reports he will operate as YV6BTF/p from Chimana Grande
         (SA-090) during the weekend.
ZL     - Jonathan, W1CU will  operate again  as ZL/W1CU  from Waiheke  Island
         (OC-201) from approximately 3 UTC to 23 UTC on 27 December. QSL  via
         home call. [TNX W4DKS]
ZS     - Columbine Radio Club of the Western Cape will commemorate the Battle
         of Blaauwberg (6 January 1806) by operating a special event  station
         in the  Blaauwberg area  of the  Cape  Peninsula, Cape  Town,  South
         Africa. Look for ZS1BLO to be active on +/- 1835, 7065, 14165, 21165
         and 28465 kHz from 18 UTC on 2 January to 12 UTC on the 4th. QSL  to
         ZS1BLO,  P.O.  Box  180,  Milnerton  7435,  South  Africa.   Further
         information    is    available    on    the    club    website    at
         http://www.qsl.net/zs1crc [TNX ZS1LVH]

=========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DANISH POSTAL RATES ---> Allis, OZ1ACB reports that as of 1 January 2004  the
cost of a  letter from Denmark  to Europe  will be  Dkr. 6.00  (which is  the
current exchange rate  for 1 USD),  while from Denmark  to outside Europe  it
will be Dkr. 7.00.

FATHER MORAN MEMORIAL  STATION ---> Back  in April 1998  [425DXN 363]  Satish
Kharel (9N1AA)  and Charles  H. Harpole  (K4VUD/9N7UD) began  to establish  a
memorial club station in Father Moran's (9N1MM) memory and for the furthering
of amateur radio  in Nepal. Now  Charles reports that  their efforts are  "on
indefinite hold due to disturbed social  and political conditions there.  All
radios and other  gear and cash  that was donated  some years  ago have  been
distributed to the existing  licensed native 9N  hams (cash used  immediately
upon donation to purchase needed items like coax and Morse keys, etc.).  That
gear will come back to a club station someday".

IOTA 2004 ---> IOTA 2004, the IOTA 40th Anniversary Awards Programme,  starts
on 1 January and will run  through 31 December [425DXN 652].  A set of  files
for downloading, as well as full rules and  a list of FAQ, are now  available
on the Chiltern DX Club Web pages at http://www.cdxc.org.uk (follow the  IOTA
2004  links).  Questions  may  also  be  sent  direct  to  Don  Field,  G3XTT

NEW WAZ AWARDS MANAGER ---> Effective 1 January 2004 Floyd Gerald, N5FG  will
succeed Paul Blumhardt, K5RT as CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ) Awards Manager. WAZ
applicants are requested to refrain from sending applications to Floyd  until
1 February,  in order  to allow  for an  orderly transition  and transfer  of
records. After 1 February, WAZ applications and cards should be sent to Floyd
Gerald, 17 Green Hollow Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577-8318, USA.

PIRATE --->  Martin, OK1RR  reports that  his callsign  is often  pirated  as
OK1RR/QRP on 40 metres CW by  a pretty operator who gives  "Jan" as his  name
and "nr Usti" as QTH. The genuine Martin Kradoska, OK1RR is from Prague, is a
30-50 wpm operator and never uses QRP equipment/call. [TNX IT9MRM]

QSL REPLIES FROM NEW  ZEALAND ---> Ken  Holdom, ZL4HU -  the QSL manager  for
ZL8RI (May 1996),  ZL9CI (January 1999)  and ZL7C  (October 2002)  - and  the
Kermadec DX Association advise that  whereas one IRC  is still sufficient  to
cover return mail costs, with the very  strong New Zealand Dollar the way  it
is at the present, one green stamp no longer covers the cost of Economy  post
replies to QSL cards. The  Kermadec DX Association  will respond directly  to
all requests posted to them before 1  January 2004 where there has been  only
one green stamp included.  All cards mailed  to them on  and after 1  January
2004 which do not include sufficient  for Ecomomy Class  return mail will  be
replied to via the bureau. [TNX ZL4HU]

QSL TX4PG ---> Graham, M5AAV reports he  has now received the logs and  cards
for the TX4PG (Marquesas) DXpedition and  is in a  position to handle  BUREAU

QSL VK9XG ---> W0XG is receiving a  lot of QSL cards (especially from  Japan)
for the recent VK9XG operation. Please note that the correct QSL route is via
the operator himself, W0YG (direct only). [TNX W0YG]

QSL VIA N4AA ---> Carl, N4AA  says he only has partial  logs for 9N1AA.  They
are fairly complete for 1998 and 1999, but other dates are not available.  As
for HK3JJH, please note that N4AA is no longer handling ANY cards for  Pedro.
Cards should be sent direct only to Pedro J. Allina, P.O. Box 81119,  Bogota,
Colombia. [TNX QRZ-DX]

UA2 QSL BUREAU ---> Victor Loginov,  UA2FM ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) reports  that
on 6 December,  during the UA2  annual meeting, Kalinigrad  decided to  start
their own incoming  QSL bureau  (which means  that they  will stop  receiving
cards from the Moscow QSL bureau). The new address is: UA2 QSL Bureau,  ROSTO
Technical School, ul. Ozyornaya 31, Kaliningrad, 236029, Russia.

=========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

TO4E:   The TO4E team went QRT on  20 December around 20  UTC and arrived  to
        Saint Denis (Reunion) in the  late afternoon of  the 21st. More  than
        34,000 QSO have been logged from Europa. On line logs for either TO4E
        and TO4WW are now available at http://europa2003.free.fr/ (they  were
        "temporarily suspended"  as they  included a  wild card  call  search
        feature which could affect QSLing integrity).

=========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
4D71HBC     DU1HBC      FM5WD       W3HNK       RL3A        W3HNK
4M4C        YV4GLD      H7A         TI4SU       RM6A        W3HNK
4N25K       YU1SB       HG04HNY     HG4I        S21YY       JM1HXU
4V200H      HH2JR       HK3JCL      DK8LRF      T9/9A3GZ    9A3GZ (a)
4W2AQ       OM2AQ       IA0PS       IK0AIH      T9/9A3GZ    T98U  (b)
5H9PD       W8FV        IR8DX       IK8VRH      TA2ZF       UT2UB
5T5HC       JA0HC       J41KID      SV1CEI      TT8XZ       N5XZ
5U7JB       ON5NT       JA6WFM/HI8  JA6VU       TU2CH       F6GWD
6Y5/4S7RO   G0IAS       K1D         W1DAD       TX4PG       I2YSB (a)
9J2HK       JP1RZS      KK2H/KH2    JL1UXH      TX4PG       M5AAV (b)
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      L20H        EA7FTR      TY4JM       ON4JM
9Q1MC       ON5SE       LT1F        AC7DX       UE3EDA      RZ3EC
A52CQ       S57DX       M0SDX       UT2UB       VK9LD       VK2GND
A7/G0MKT    NM7H        NP4A        W3HNK       VP8DBR      G0SWC
CE0Y/SQ9BOP SP6GVU      OH9SCL      OH9UV       VU3VLH      OK1TN
CE3WTR      W3HC        OK8XB       M5BXB       VY2TT       K6LA
CN2MP       EA9AM       P40K        WM6A        WL7M        WD0M
CN8KD       EA5XX       PJ2T        N9AG        XQ3WTR      W3HC
CO8DM       KU9C        PX0F        PY5XX       YA1BV       JA1PBV
CO8HF       W0DM        PY0FT       JA1ELY      YA8G        LA4YW
CT3BX       HB9CRV      R0AEM       UA9XC       YI/PA5M     PA7FM
D2PFN       KK5DO       R0PA        DL5EBE      YM2ZF       UT2UB
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      R1AEM       UA9XC       YO3APJ      W9OL
DU1/SQ9BOP  SP6GVU      R1ANB       RU1ZC       ZK2SA       JH7OHF
ES5MC       W3HNK       R1FJL       UA3AGS      ZW0S        PS7JN
FJ5IF       F5TJP       RAEM        RV1AQ       ZW5SF       PP5CIT

(a) direct  (b) bureau

=========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5H9KR   Ramesh Krishnan, P. O. Box 2086, Mwanza, Tanzania
ET3ME   Martin Essex, P. O. Box 25531, Addis Ababa 1000, Ethiopia
DL1ZBO  Rainer Hilgardt, Hans-Sachs-Weg.38, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
E20NTS  Supote Saripan, 19/65 Moo 5, Soi Thensoun, Klong Thanon, Saimai,
        Bangkok, 10220 Thailand
EA7BQX  Jose Martin Perez, C/Sirena, 15-2-F, 18015 Granada, Spain
HG4I    Tibor Szabo, Budai u. 6., H-2465 Rackeresztur, Hungary
II0TH   Telethon 2003, P.O.Box 4001, 00100 Roma - RM, Italy
JA1PBV  Sadao Ito, 3-8-12 Baraki, Ishioka-city, Ibaraki 315-0042, Japan
JL1UXH  Setsu Yoshimura, 6-13-14 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo
        140-0004, Japan
S57DX   Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia
SP6GVU  Andrzej Kaleta, P.O. Box 498, 50-950 Wroclaw 2, Poland
UA9XC   Andrey Pervacov, P.O.Box 73, Syktyvkar, 167023 Russia
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine
VK0DX   Radio VK0DX, GPO Box 1544, Brisbane 4001, Australia
W1DAD   Peter Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd, Atkinson, NH 03811, USA
YU1SB   Bozic Slavko, Jurija Gagarina 196/50, Novi Beograd, Serbia and

425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org



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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor

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