ARLD036 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 36  ARLD036
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  September 1, 2011
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD036 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, PA1AW, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

MALTA, 9H.  Jasper, PB2JJ is QRV as 9H3JN until September 14.
Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

MOROCCO, CN.  Marko, S55EI will be QRV as CN2EI from September 3 to
20.  Activity will be on 40, 6 and 2 meters using SSB and PSK31.
QSL to home call.

NEW CALEDONIA, FK.  Members of the Association Radio Amateur New
Caledonia are QRV as TX8KA from Noumea until September 10 in
celebration of the Sixteenth South Pacific Games.  Activity is
generally between 2015 and 2130z daily on 20 meters using CW.  QSL
via FK8HA.
SARDINIA, IS0.  Max, IZ4JMA will be QRV as IS0/IZ4JMA from Isuledda
Island, IOTA EU-024, from September 3 to 10.  Activity will be on 80
to 10 meters using CW, SSB and digital modes.  QSL to home call.

ALASKA, KL7.  Rick, K6VVA will be QRV as K6VVA/KL7 from
Revillagigedo, IOTA NA-041, from September 6 to 8.  This is from the
Alexander Archipelago island group off the coast of Alaska.
Activity will be mainly on 30, 20 and 17 meters.  QSL to home call.

LUXEMBOURG, LX.   Low Land DXpedition Team members PA9JO, PA1AW,
PA3EWP and PA7FM are QRV as LX/home calls until September 6.
Activity is on 160 to 2 meters.  QSL all calls via PA1AW.

ALAND ISLANDS, OH0.  Nao, JA1HGY is QRV as OH0HG until September 4.
Activity is on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This includes
an entry in the All Asian Phone DX contest.  QSL to home call.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  Fred, PA0FAW is QRV using special call sign PA11WSF
until September 25 during the World Statues Festival.  Activity is
on the HF bands using mainly CW and PSk31.  QSL to home call.

SABA, ST. EUSTATIUS, PJ6.  Fred, K9VV will be QRV as PJ6/K9VV from
Saba, IOTA NA-145, from September 4 to 9.  Activity will be holiday
style on the HF bands using mostly CW with some SSB.  QSL via K5WW.

POLAND, SP.  A group of operators are QRV as SN1LH from the
Niechorze Lighthouse, ARLHS POL-014, until September 6.  QSL via
operators' instructions.

EGYPT, SU.  Gabor, HA3JB is QRV as SU/HA3JB until November 30.
Activity is on the HF bands.  QSL direct to home call.

CRETE, SV9.  Ron, WB2GAI is QRV as SV9/WB2GAI/p from Chania until
September 30.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW.  DX stations
QSL via bureau and US stations direct.

EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA.  Special event station R300ML is QRV until
November 30 in celebration of the 300th birthday of the Russian
scientist Michail V. Lomonossow.  QSL via RN1ON.

ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0.  Gen, R3BY is QRV as R3BY/0 from Antipenko
Island, IOTA AS-066, until September 4.  Activity is on 80 to 17
meters using mainly CW.  QSL to home call.

UZBEKISTAN, UJ.  Special event station UM20Y is QRV until September
10 in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the independence of
Uzbekistan.  Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.
QSL via UK8AR.

MACQUARIE ISLAND, VK0.  Kevin, VK0KEV has been active on 20 meters
using SSB around 0700 to 0800z, 80 meters around 1000z and 40 meters
around 1100z.  QSL via JE1LET.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  IARU Region 1 SSB Field Day, All Asian
DX Phone Contest, Russian World Wide RTTY Contest, QRP CW Fox Hunt,
NCCC Sprint CW Ladder, International G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key CW
Contest, Wake-Up! QRP CW Sprint, Colorado QSO Party, Brazil
Independence Day BPSK31 CDX Contest, AGCW Straight Key CW Party,
CWops Mini-CWT CW Test, RSGB SSB Field Day, QCWA Fall QSO Party,
DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest and the Tennessee QSO Party will
certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.  The MI QRP
Labor Day CW Sprint is scheduled for September 5.  The ARS Spartan
CW Sprint is scheduled for September 6.  Please see September QST,
page 81 and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest Web Sites for details.

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