Ad, of the 5L2MS team has asked me to post this. I'm sure this is a mistake and we'll see our Q count.



In response to your email regarding the 5L2MS DX-pedition please find the message below just send to the DXCC desk.

We think that some confusion was created by showing the picture of the Africa Mercy as Mercy Ships crown jewel from this charity based hospital ship organization.

All QSO’s were made from the ELWA radio compound just outside Monrovia with the call sign for land based operations (not the one we received for on board activities)!

I understood that Bill is on holiday for a week, so probably the message will be processed later. I also tried to put a message on the forum but I have no access and subscribing fails so far. It will be helpful if somebody can put our message below on the forum to prevent answering all the mails send to us last hours…

73 de



Dear DXCC desk,

Last hours several questions were received regarding rejections of 5L2MS claims.

To made sure that there is no misunderstanding about our 5L2MS activities we want to inform you about our DX-pedition in more detail:

The DX-pedition:

-          took place from October 3rd  – 24th 2007.
-          adopted a Mercy Ships land based project (the Gaye Town Clinic)
- was made possible by Mercy Ships (logistics and an invitation to get visa) - received the EL0MS callsign for activities on board of the Africa Mercy (the 0 in the callsign shows ship based activities) - received the 5L2MS callsign for the land based activities for this special event (the 2 in the callsign shows Monrovia based activities) - all QSO’s were made from the ELWA compound which is an area 10 miles out of Monrovia - all QSO’s were because of the ELWA compound land based operation with the 5L2MS callsign - no QSO’s were made on board of the ship (no permission from the captain and not counting for DXCC, so not a single QSO with EL0MS)

Details about our activities can be found in the attached report and on the website <> including Operational Pictures and daily reporting on the weblog and on the QSL card. During log checks we found out that also some RTTY and 80m CW pirate activities were conducted. Because of this please be aware that there is only one QSL card issued by 5L2MS which is shown below (front and back cover, not showing the inner pages).

We can imagine that some confusion might be caused by the picture from the ship Africa Mercy on and when starting our website. Please be aware that these pictures are used as a homage to Mercy Ships and for creating awareness for their unbelievable humanitarian work using their hospital ships. It was Mercy Ships that made a visit to Liberia possible, transported our equipment and made the arrangements at the ELWA radio compound to host our radio activities.

We hope that this clarification prevents misunderstanding about our DX-pedition.

In case of any question please feel free to ask.

On behalf of the 5L2MS team


N1DG--Licensed since 1962
EX-WB2DND, A61AD (GUEST OP, QSL MGR), A52DG, /KH9, /BV, /VS6, /4X, /9V
Pilot:  VU7RG, 3Y0X, VK9ML, D68C, VK0IR, K8XP/KH9, 9M0C, ZK1XXP, ZL9CI
Webmaster: BS7H, K5K, A52A, VK0IR, 9M0C, ZK1XXP, WB2DND/KH9, BQ9P, ZL9CI
QSL Manager:  A61AD, A61AO, A61X, A61AQ, KH7Z
2006 Inductee into the CQ DX Hall of Fame
AIM:  aurumtel

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