
My apologies for this message, but we have a small problem here.

If you are using an AOL.COM or NETSCAPE.NET email address, the AOL
Postmaster automation is presently bouncing DX Chat messages back.  
The bounce includes a web site link, which reveals the problem as:  
"The IP address you are sending from has been temporarily rate 
limited due to AOL Member complaints." 

On further investigation, it appears that at least one of the AOL /
NETSCAPE users of this email server -- that is, the host of DX NEWS, 
DX CHAT and many other mailing lists, including non-amateur ones -- 
has accidently or otherwise classified messages from this reflector 
as "spam," at least once (I don't know what their threshold is in 
terms of number of complaints and/or number of users complaining).   
Suffice to say, this is not good... as Urb has mentioned in the past, 
since the IP address is blocked, it affects all mail from the server, 
which affects his commercial and government customers too.

While I really hope that the cause of this is from somewhere other 
than this reflector, please understand that I feel obligated to ask 
this:  If you are an AOL / Netscape user who no longer wishes to get 
messages from DX NEWS, rather than mark them as "spam," it would be 
greatly appreciated if you would just unsubscribe.  If you'd like, 
let me know and I'll take care of it for you.

Otherwise, until the problem is solved, if you have an alternate 
email address (including freebie mailboxes from yahoo, hotmail, etc.) 
you may want to sign it up.  Granted, we don't have a lot of traffic 
here, but I recognize quite a few email addresses on the BCC list, 
and I'd really hate to see you guys go.  Remember, if the problem 
can't be solved otherwise, to protect his paying customers, Urb may 
have to do some less than popular things here, as he's mentioned 

Thanks for you time and consideration.

Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2005

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