I.C.P.O. Bulletin (Oct 31 - Nov 15, 2003)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations - I.C.P.O.
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)
NOTE:  Peter, GM3OFT has had to cancel his Isles of Fleet trip until
2004 because of the weather. [Tnx M0ADG]

31/10/2003:  A group of operators from the Belgian branch of the
International Police Association will be active as PA/homecalls from
Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146), between October 31st and November 2nd.
Activity will be on 80 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and digital
modes. They will participate in the IPA Contest as PA/ON4IPA. QSL
PA/ON4IPA via ON6ZV and all others to home calls. [Tnx ARRL DX news]

01/11/2003:  Look for CE0Y/SP9PT and CE0Y/SP9EVP to be QRV as
CE3/SP9PT/m and CE3/SP9EVP/m between November 1st to 8th while visiting
the Atacama Desert. QSL via home calls. [Tnx 425DXN]

01/11/2003:  Operators DS2GOO (Han), DS5BSX (Chae), DS4NYE (Ryu) and
possibly others will be active from Soan Island (AS-085) between
November 1st and 4th. They will use their homecall/4 or D90HE/4 with
100w transceivers and various wire antennas. QSL via operator's
homecall. [Tnx OPDX]

01/11/2003:  Look for Sergio, IK4JPR/p, to be QRV November 1st from a
new reference for the Italian Castles Award. This new reference is
located in the Region of Emilia Romagna, Province of Modena (MO).
Activity will be on 40 meters, other bands propagation permitting. Start
time will be approximately 10:30 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [Tnx IK4JPR]

01/11/2003:  Look for IR7LH to be QRV, from a different Italian
lighthouse, every weekend between November 2003 and April 2004. The
lighthouses will count for the Italian Lighthouse Award (W.A.I.L.) and
Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society Award (ARLHS). QSL via IK7JWX, direct
or bureau. [Tnx DE0MST]

01/11/2003:  Tomo, 7N1NAI/1, and JQ1QFO/1 will be QRV November 1st and
2nd from Mikura Island, Izu Archipelago (AS-008). Activity will be on
40, 30, 20, 6 meter, plus 70cm, SSB and CW. QSL via home calls, direct
or bureau. [Tnx F5NQL]

02/11/2003:  Look for a Hungarian team to be active from the Balearic
Islands (EU-004) between November 2nd and 9th and also participate in
the HA-QRP Contest as EA6/HA5RT/p. The contest station will be on 3511
kHz using around 10 watts. The operators will use their home calls on
the other bands as follows: EA6/HA6NL/p (Laci), EA6/HA6PS/p (Zsolt),
EA6/HA6ZV/p (Tibor) and EA6/HA7JJS/p (Sanyi). Their main mode is CW, but
some digital activity will also take place. QSLs should go via the
bureau by their home calls, and for EA6/HA5RT/p via HA6NL. [Tnx OPDX]

03/11/2003:  Hans PA0VHA (RTTY) and Jack PA3BAG (SSB) will be active as
3B8/homecall from Mauritius Island (AF-049) November 3rd to 9th and
November 15th to 24th. From November 10th to 14th they will operate as
3B9/homecall from Rodrigues (AF-017). QSL via PA0VHA. [Tnx 425DXN]

06/11/2003:  Willy Dellaert, ON5AX, reports that he will be active (SSB
and CW) as 3B8/ON5AX from Mauritius (AF-049) between November 6th to
15th. QSL via ON5AX. [Tnx 425DXN]

07/11/2003:  The Sandusky Radio Club, W8LBZ, will be QRV November 7th
through 9th from Kelley's Island (USI OH-001L) located in Lake Erie,
Erie county, Ohio. Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters, mostly SSB,
using the club call. QSL direct, with SASE (Sandusky Radio Experimental
League, Inc., 2909 West Perkins Ave., Sandusky, Ohio 44870, USA), or via
the bureau for DX. [Tnx USI]

08/11/2003:  Look for Pete, VE3IKV, to be active from Sint Maarten (PJ7,
IOTA NA-105), Saba (PJ6, IOTA NA-145) and Saint Martin (FS, IOTA NA-105)
between November 8th and 15th. He will use the callsigns PJ7/VA3RA/m,
FS/VA3RA/m and PJ6/VA3RA/m. Activity will be mainly 10 and 6 meters,
CW/SSB. QSL via VE3 bureau (slow) or direct via QRZ.com (fast). The
following times were mentioned: Asia 1100z; Europe 1200-1700z,
North/South America and TEP 2200-0000z. [Tnx OPDX]

08/11/2003:  Bert, PA3GIO, will be QRV November 8th to 18th from the QTH
of Ed, VP9GE, located in Hamilton, Bermuda (NA-005, Hamilton Parish,
Grid FM72). Activity will be on 80 through 10 meter SSB. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [Tnx PA3GIO]

09/11/2003:  Ingo, DH5ST, will be on holiday from Sao Miguel, Azores
(EU-003), between November 9th and 23rd. He will sign CU2/DH5ST/p and be
active 80 through 10 meters, CW and SSB. QSL via address on QRZ.com.
[Tnx OPDX]

14/11/2003:  Operators David K3LP (leader), Larry N7DD and Clint W3ARS
will head to St. Martin (NA-105) and arrive November 14th. They plan to
install antennas and operate as FS/K3LP in the CQWW CW Contest as a
Multi-Single entry. QSL via K5KV. Outside of the contest, look for them
to sign FS/K3LP (David), FS/N7DD (Larry), and FS/W3ARS. They will return
home in December. [Tnx OPDX]

15/11/2003:  Hans PA0VHA (RTTY) and Jack PA3BAG (SSB) will be active as
3B9/homecall from Rodrigues Island (AF-017) between November 10th to
14th. QSL via PA0VHA. [Tnx 425DXN]

15/11/2003:  Dany, LZ2UU, will be the radio operator at the Bulgarian
Antarctic Base "St. Kliment Ohridski" (WABA LZ-002), situated on
Livingston Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). Dany will be there from the
middle of November until the end of February 2004. He will use the
callsign LZ0A on all amateur radio bands, CW, SSB and RTTY mode.
However, in the CQWW DX-CW Contest, he will use the VP8/LZ2UU callsign
(Also, maybe in any other contests too). [Tnx OPDX]
01/11/2003:  Look for IR7LH to be QRV, from a different Italian
lighthouse, every weekend between November 2003 and April 2004. The
lighthouses will count for the Italian Lighthouse Award (W.A.I.L.) and
Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society Award (ARLHS). QSL via IK7JWX, direct
or bureau. [Tnx DE0MST]

28/11/2003  The only correct URL for K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities
website is now http://home.alltel.net/johnshan/. Any other URL's you may
have or find will no longer work. Please bookmark the new address. [Tnx

BQ9P Pratas Island AS-110 DXpedition (October 9-16, 2003) can be found
at: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~ji6uru/search.html [Tnx JI6KVR]
73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
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