Quit your griping and just go do it.  I've seen and heard them all.  Pileups,
by the Numbers, third party, Nets or Whatever.  Your just griping because
they didn't pick  you up the first time you called. To quote a famous NYC
Mayor, "Patience and fortitude gets the job done."  

The thing that gripes me the most is the blustering, inconsiderate,
loudmouth, overbearing so-called Hams the bugger up the frequency when a DX
station is trying to make as many contacts as he can.  Only to be overridden
but these jerks. Just remember, they are try a whole lot harder than you are.

My advice to you is, " you don't like the way the DX station is doing it.  YOU
go out there and try it just once. Then come back and tell us all about
"Either that or try to help the guy as best as you can. Which may require you
to just keep you mouth shut.

Even the very worst DX station does an adequate job or you wouldn't have
anything to gripe about.

To every DXpeditioner - Thank you for being there for me!

John - KD2NL   

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