I'll agree 100% with everything except B.  An A-1 web site would
have been written to work with any browser.  But, this is a
discussion for another reflector.

E F Todd Benson wrote:
> It worked for me, plus I luckily, (and proudly found my QSO
> listed on their log.)
> Kudos to this group for
> A) Getting the DXpedtion accomplished -
> B) For a A-1 web site
> C) for timely posting of logs ands news updates.
> D) Superb ops handling the pile ups!
> Again, great effort and job well done.
> http://www.qsl.net/vk9ml/2002/
> Good hunting to all. es 73
> Todd, W9YK
> Elmhurst, Illinois USA
> proud member of the PrairieDX Group
> n9pd.com
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
> Please help QSL.NET . Send your donation now.
> If you have already donated, thanks !

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