Fellow DXers,
Below is an announcement for an upcoming DXpedition to Haiti.  This is a
follow on to the trip that I made to the mission last year.  We have four
experienced operators on the team this year.  Our goal is to keep at least
one station operating 24 hours a day.  Some of our antennas and equipment
were shipped on a boat for Haiti this week along with 40 barrels of supplies
and donations for the mission and churches in the area.  License
applications and money for the permits for the radios we are taking with us
were hand carried to Haiti by a missionary returning to the mission after
the Christmas holidays.  We should be able to begin operations shortly after
arriving at the mission.

Please visit our web site.  N2WB did an excellent job putting this together
for us. As you will see on the web site team members are paying their own
expenses for this trip.  The mission has been very cooperative in allowing
us to use the mission power, equipment and facilities.  We ask that any
donations go to the mission to help defer these costs and encourage ongoing
amateur radio operations.

Also, all QSL requests received direct or via the bureau for my April 2002
operation as HH4/K4QD (about 1500 to date) have been answered.
HH4 March 2003 DXpedition Team Lead

------------HH  HAITI MARCH 2003 DX ANNOUNCEMENT------------------------

HH, Haiti:  Members of the Florida DXpedition Group (FDXPG) will be part of
a thirty member humanitarian mission team traveling to Haiti.  They will
operate from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (NWHCM) March 10-21. Team
members are Jan-HH4/K4QD, William-HH4/N2WB, Bill-HH4/W4WX and Al-HH4/K3VN.
The team will have three stations and when not working on mission projects
they will operate on all bands 160M through 6M and all modes including
PSK-31.  QSL HH4/K4QD, HH4/W4WX AND HH4/K3VN via CBA.  QSL HH4/N2WB via
N2OO. For more information visit the DX team website at:
http://www.geocities.com/n2wb2003/  For information on the NWHCM visit:


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