I.C.P.O. Bulletin (Feb 17 - Mar 17, 2003)

Islands, Castles & Portable Operations - "I.C.P.O."
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)

17/02/03:  Members of the Florida DXPedition Group, Bill V25WX (W4WX) and
Larry V26LR (W1LR) are planning trip to Antigua between February 17th and
25th. They will be traveling Space A via military aircraft out of Patrick
AFB, Cocoa, FL. They will be taking one small mini-beam for 10-15-20m, Force
12 Sigma 5 Vertical for 10-12-15-17-20m, and dipole for 6m. They will be on
SSB, MMTTY, PSK-31 (no brags please). Flashing Light on request for small
ships. Pilot station Clarence W9AAZ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). QSL via home
calls. [Tnx W4WX]

17/02/03:  Look for ZY0T to be active from Trindade Island (SA-010, DIB 02)
between February 17th and 19th. Operation will be on 7.050, 14.200, 21.300
and 28.490 MHz, SSB only. QSL via PY1YB, direct or bureau. [Tnx DE0MST]

18/02/03:  Due to medical reasons Klaus, DJ4SO, had to re-schedule his
activity as PJ6/DJ4SO for February 18th to March 12th. He will then be QRV
in CW/SSB/RTTY on 40 through 6 meters depending on his antenna
possibilities, maybe also on 160 and 80m. QSL via bureau. [Tnx DXNL]

21/02/03:  Wayne, W9AE, will be active as FG/W9AE on the AO40 satellite from
Guadeloupe (NA-102, DIFO FG-001, Loc: FK96) between February 21st and 26th.
The operating window to Europe will be 15:00-20:00 UTC February 23rd. QSL
via home call. [Tnx 425DXN]

21/02/03:  G3SJJ, G3SVL, G3UEG will participate in the CQ 160 Meter SSB
Contest (February 21-23) as P3F from Cyprus (AS-004). QSL via 5B4AGN. [Tnx

21/02/03:  Bill, SV5AZP, will be active from Rhodes (EU-001) during the CQ
160-Meter SSB Contest (February 21-23) as a Single-Op/Low Power entry. QSL
via the address on QRZ.com. [Tnx OPDX]

21/02/03:  Spiros, SV8CS, will be active from Zante Island (EU-052), in the
western part of Greece, during the CQWW 160m SSB Contest (February 21-23)
with his special contest callsign SY8A. The callsign SY8A is NOT for Mount
Athos but a special Greek contest call. [Tnx OPDX]

21/02/03:  V31YN/p will activate San Pedro Island (NA-073) between February
21st and 23rd. QSL via operator's instructions. [Tnx DXNL]

22/02/03:  A group of operators from the Southern Cross DX Group has been
granted permission to operate from Quiriquina Island (SA-070, DICE ICE-501,
Loc: FF33LJ) February 22nd and 23rd. They will be active as 3G5Q on all
bands SSB, CW and FM QSL via XQ5SM (P.O. Box 2841, Concepcion, Chile). [Tnx

22/02/03:  Look for 6Y5/WN9O and 6Y5/WO9Z to be active from Jamaica (NA-097)
between February 22nd and March 9th. They will also participate in the ARRL
DX SSB Contest as 6Y8Z (QSL via WO9Z). [Tnx 425DXN]

22/02/03:  Members from the Croatian IOCA Group, Boro/9A3KB and Emir/9A6AA,
will be active February 22nd from the lighthouse of Plicina Paklena
(LH-0708), weather permitting, on 20, 15 and 40 metres, SSB. QSL via home
calls. [Tnx 9A6AA]

23/02/03:  Members from the Croatian IOCA Group, Boro/9A3KB and Emir/9A6AA,
will be active February 23rd from the lighthouse of Barbaran (LH-1018),
weather permitting, on 20, 15 and 40 metres, SSB. After the lighthouse
activity, they plan to activate the island of Sv. Nikola (EU-110, IOCA
CI-118), February 23rd, on same frequencies. [Tnx 9A6AA]

23/02/03:  Three members of SL0ZS, The Voluntary Radioorganisation -
Stockholm branch, are planning for a DX-pedition to Svalbard (EU-026)
between February 23rd and March 1st, 2003. The team consists of Peter
Rosenthal, JW/SM0BSO, Stellan Wersen, JW/SM0LQB, and Eric Wennstrom (ex.
SM1TDE/4U, TF/SM1TDE), JW/SM1TDE. They will operate from the club station
JW5E located in Longyearbyen. Activity will take place on all bands from 160
through 6 meters in CW, SSB, RTTY as well as several other digital modes.
QSL via homecalls, bureau or direct. Electronic-QSLs can be obtained at
www.eQSL.cc . [Tnx SL0ZS]

23/02/03:  William, W8EB, will be active from Sint Maarten (NA-105) as
PJ7/W8EB between February 23rd and March 23rd. His activity will include the
ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 1-2) as PJ7B, a Single-Op/All Band
entry. Activity outside of the contest will be on 160-10 meters CW, SSB,
RTTY and PSK-31. QSL both callsign via W8EB. [Tnx OPDX]

25/02/03:  Gabriele, IK4UPB, will be active February 25th to March 3rd from
Cape Verde (AF-005) as D44TD. Operation will be on all bands 160 through 10
meters, SSB and CW. He will also participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a
SOSB entry. QSL via CT1EKF. [Tnx 425DXN]

25/02/03:  Joel, F5PAC, is returning to Panama February 23rd through March
24th. He will operate from a few IOTA groups as follows: NA-170 February
25-27, NA-202 March 03-05, NA-088 March 08-09, Paridita Island and
lighthouse (NA-071, WLHA LH-0427) March 11-12, Iguana Island and lighthouse
(NA-203, WLHA LH-0323) March 15-16 and Toboguilla Island and lighthouse
(NA-072, WLHA LH-0296) March 19-20. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[Tnx 425DXN and DE0MST]

26/02/03:  Tom, AE9B, Marty, NW0L, and Jerry, WB9Z, will be active (on SSB,
CW and RTTY with an emphasis on the WARC bands) as PJ2/homecall from Curacao
(SA-006) between February 26th and March 4th. QSL via home calls. They will
participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as PJ2T (QSL via N9AG). [Tnx 425DXN]

26/02/03:  Charlotte, KQ1F, and Paul, K1XM, will be active from Turneffe
Island (NA-123) between February 26th and March 5th as V31XM. They also plan
to participate in the ARRL DX SSB contest as V31QQ. Operation before Feb 26
will be from mainland Belize. QSL all via KQ1F. [Tnx K1XM]

03/03:  Felix, DL5XL, will be active during the upcoming wintering season
2003 (March through November). He works as a radio operator and electronics
engineer at the German research base "Neumayer" in Antarctica. When his job
duties permit, he will try to be active on the amateur radio bands - mainly
CW, but also SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and HELL. He will be using the call DP1POL.
Neumayer Station is located on the Ekstroem Shelf Ice, Atka Bay, Northeast
Weddell Sea, Antarctica (70,39S-08,15W, IOTA AN-016, WABA DL-03, CQ Zone 38,
ITU Zone 67). QSL cards (including SWL reports, which are always very
welcome) will be handled by Ray, DL1ZBO. Bureau cards are fine. If you
prefer a direct reply, please enclose an SAE and sufficient return postage:
1 IRC or 1 US Dollar will cover postage to Europe, all others need 1 IRC or
2 US Dollars for air mail. The QSL address is: Rainer Hilgardt DL1ZBO,
Hans-Sachs-Weg 38, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany. [Tnx DL5XL]

01/03/03:  Gabriele, IK4UPB, will be active from Cape Verde (AF-005) as
D44TD in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 1-2) as a
Single-Op/Single Band (band not known) entry. QSL via CT1EKF. [Tnx OPDX]

01/03/03:  Look for Juha, OH6XX, to be active as EA8/OH6XX from the Canary
Islands (AF-004, DIE S-005) in the ARRL SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single
Band (15m) entry. QSL via home callsign. [Tnx OPDX]

01/03/03:  Look for Juha, OH9MM, to be active as EA8/OH9MM from the Canary
Islands (AF-004, DIE S-005) in the ARRL SSB Contest (March 1-2) as a
Single-Op/Single Band (20m) entry. QSL via home callsign. Also, look for
Juha, OH6XX, to be active as EA8/OH6XX in the ARRL SSB Contest as a
Single-Op/Single Band (15m) entry. QSL via home callsign. [Tnx OPDX]

01/03/03:  Hiro, JO1EPY/6, will be active March 1st to 3rd from the Tokara
Islands (AS-049) Nakano-shima. He will be QRV 00:00 UTC March 1 to 10:00 UTC
March 3, 2003. Operation will be on 40 through 10 meters, SSB and CW. Main
frequency will be 21.260 MHz SSB or 21.040 MHz CW. QSL via home call, direct
(Hiroshi Kotoku, 3-4-19 Kishimachi Kawagoe City, Saitama 350-1131, Japan) or
via JARL bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]

01/03/03:  Jim, K1NA, will be active from St. Eustatius (NA-145) as PJ5/K1NA
(or possibly PJ5NA) in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 1-2) as
a Single-Op/All Band entry (This will be a casual effort). QSL via his home
callsign. [Tnx OPDX]

01/03/03:  Stefano, IK2QEI, will be active as TO1A from Laurent's, FM5BH,
shack on Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001) in the ARRL International SSB DX
Contest (March 1-2) as a Single-Op/All Band entry. QSL via IK2QEI. [Tnx

04/03/03:  JS6QVP (op: Toru, JI5USJ), JS6QVQ (op: Makoto, JI5RPT) and
JI5RPT/6 (RTTY and PSK only) will be active from Minami Daito Island, Daito
Islands (AS-047, Loc: PL55, JCG: 47002) between March 4th and 11th.
Operation will be on 160 through 6 meter CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and FM. QSL
via home calls, direct or via JARL bureau. All QSL cards for JS6QVP will go
to "JI5USJ" via the bureau or direct (Toru Koyanagi, 400-6-1119
Nagasoneminami, Hikone Shiga 522-0052, Japan). All QSL cards for JS6QVQ will
go to "JI5RPT" via the bureau or direct (Makoto Koyanagi, 5-42-203 Kadan
Aoba Sendai, Miyagi 980-0815, Japan). [Tnx JI6KVR]

06/03/03:  Look for Rosel CT3/DL3KWR and Hardy CT3/DL3KWF to be active from
Madeira (AF-014, DIP MA-001) between March 6th and 20th. They plan to
concentrate on the WARC bands CW. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
Bureau QSL requests are welcome at ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). [TNX 425DXN]

08/03/03:  Look for JQ1SUO/1, JF1CCH/1 and JA2HMD/1 to be active from
Hachijo Island (AS-043) between March 8th and 9th. Operation will be on 40,
30, 20, 15 and 10 meter CW and SSB. QSL via operator's instructions. [Tnx

08/03/03:  The second DXpedition to Ducie Island (OC-182) will be QRV on
March 8th or 9th, 2003, depending upon seas and weather. The station call
will be announced shortly before the operation begins. The operators will
use SSB, CW and RTTY on all HF bands and six meters and AO-40 will be
employed. The organizer is Kan, JA1BK. The operators will be: DJ9ON, Dieter;
DK9KX, Hans; FO3BM, Philippe; JA1SLS, Hiro; JR2KDN, Yuichi; N6TQS Doug;
VP6DB, Dave; VP6AZ, Mike; and VP6MW, Meralda. The QSL manager will be
JR2KDN. Pilot stations will be JE2EHP, DJ8NK and WA2MOE. [Tnx WA2MOE]

08/03/03:  Tom, WA6WPG, reports he will be active March 8th and 9th as
WA6WPG/p from Anacapa Island (NA-144, USI CA-002S, Ventura County,
California). He expects to be on the air on 10-40 meters for about 26 hours
starting at 20:00 UTC. QSL via home call. [Tnx 425DXN]

08/03/03:  Nik, HB9EAA, reports that he will be active from Penrhyn, N.
Cooks (OC-082) betwen March 8th and 15th and Aitutaki, S. Cooks (OC-083)
between March 15th and 22nd. He hopes to go on the air with the callsign
ZK1EAA, mainly on the CW mode. The license with the definitive callsign will
be known after his arrival on Rarotonga. Activity will be mainly on CW on
the following suggested frequencies: 14040, 21040 and 28040 kHz (+/- QRM).
QSL via HB9EAA direct or via the bureau is OK. [Tnx OPDX]

09/03/03:  Look for 3B8/ON4AME to be active March 9th to 22nd from Mauritius
Island (AF-049). Operation will be on all bands SSB, CW and digital modes.
QSL via operator's instructions. [Tnx 425DXN]

10/03/03:  Members of the Florida DXpedition Group (FDXPG) will be part of a
thirty member humanitarian mission team traveling to Haiti (NA-096). They
will operate from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (NWHCM) March 10th
to 21st. Team members are Jan-HH4/K4QD, William-HH4/N2WB, Bill-HH4/W4WX and
Al-HH4/K3VN. The team will have three stations and when not working on
mission projects they will operate on all bands 160m through 6m and all
modes including PSK-31. QSL HH4/K4QD, HH4/W4WX and HH4/K3VN via CBA. QSL
HH4/N2WB via N2OO. [Tnx K4QD]

10/03/03:  Enrique, XE1IH (ex XE1LWY), Javier, XE1KOF, Jose, XE1ZJV, Jose
Luis, XE1YJL, and Juan Jose, XE1XNH, plan to be active as XF2IH from Enmedio
Island in the Veracruz State South group (NA-???) and lighthouse (MEX-032)
between March 20th and 27th. Grid Loc: EK2bc, CQ zone 06, ITU zone 10. They
expect to operate CW (1825, 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24910,
28040 and 50102 kHz) and SSB (1845, 3755, 7055, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950,
28460, 28560 and 50145 kHz), with some PSK31. QSL via XE1IH (Enrique Garcia
Munive, P.O. Box 75-481, 07050 Mexico D.F., Mexico). [Tnx 425DXN]

11/03/03:  JR1KGF will be active as KH0/JR1KGF from Saipan (OC-086) between
March 11th and 13th. His activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL via his
home callsign. [Tnx OPDX]

14/03/03:  G3OCA, 4F2KWT and other DU operators will be active March 14th to
17th as DX0C from the Cuyo Islands (OC-120). They plan to have two stations
on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and CW, maybe with some WARC activity as
well. QSL via G3OCA (except for Russian stations, whose cards will be
handled by UA4SKW). All direct cards received for the 2002 expedition were
mailed by the beginning of December 2002, cards received recently are
normally sent out next day. [Tnx 425DXN]

14/03/03:  Look for CA2WUI, XQ1ZW, XQ1IDM, CE1URH, CE1VLY, CE1RQB and CE1FLS
to be active as 3G1P from Pan de Azucar (SA-085, DICE ICE-102) between March
14 and 17, 2003. They will operate 160 through 6 meters on SSB, CW, PSK31,
RTTY and maybe SSTV. QSL via XQ1IDM (Nicolas Herrera G., P.O. Box 345,
Antofagasta, Chile). [Tnx 425DXN]

15/03/03:  Nik, HB9EAA, reports that he will be active from Aitutaki, S.
Cooks (OC-083) between March 15th and 22nd. He hopes to go on the air with
the callsign ZK1EAA, mainly on the CW mode. The license with the definitive
callsign will be known after his arrival on Rarotonga. Activity will be
mainly on CW on the following suggested frequencies: 14040, 21040 and 28040
kHz (+/- QRM). QSL via HB9EAA direct or via the bureau is OK. [Tnx OPDX]

17/03/03:  Five German operators, Irina (DL8DYL), Reinhard (DL8YRM), Thomas
(DL5LYM), Wolfgang (DL4WG) and Ralf (DL9DRA) will be active from Tonga
(OC-049) between March 17th and April 5th. Their callsigns and bands/modes
of activity were not provided. QSL Manager is DL8YRM. QSL via the bureau or
direct. [Tnx OPDX]


04/04/2003:  Several members of the Magnolia DX Association (www.mdxa.org)
will be QRV from Cat Island, Mississippi (IOTA NA-082, USI MS-002S, Harrison
County) from April 4th to 6th, 2003. Cat Island is a barrier island located
about 6 miles south of Gulfport, MS in the Mississippi Sound. They will be
active on 80 through 10 meters (including WARC), on CW and SSB using special
event callsign K5C from multiple stations. Team organizers are Bill (K5YG),
Glenn (K2FF), Darryl (KD5CQT), and Randy (W5UE). QSL via K2FF. [tnx W5UE]


17/02-25/02   V25WX: Antigua NA-100 QSL: W4WX (d/b)
17/02-25/02   V26LR: Antigua NA-100 QSL: W1LR (d/b)
17/02-19/02   ZY0T: Trindade Island SA-010 QSL: PY1YB (d/b)
18/02         LU1ZV: Esperanza base WABA:LU-06 AN-016 QSL: DL5EBE
18/02-12/03   PJ6/DJ4SO: Saba NA-145 QSL: H/C (d/b)
21/02-23/02   CQWW 160 Meter DX Contest - SSB
21/02-23/02   CN2R: Morocco CQWW 160m-SSB SOABHP QSL: W7EJ
21/02-23/02   D4B: Cape Verde AF-005 CQWW 160m-SSB SO QSL: 4L5A
21/02-26/02   FG/W9AE: Guadeloupe NA-102 AO-40 QSL: H/C (d/b)
21/02-23/02   LU6EPR/E: Recalada LH ARG-009 QSL: LU7DSY (d)
21/02-23/02   LU8EBJ/E: Recalada LH ARG-009 QSL: LU7DSY (d)
21/02-23/02   LW3DKC/E: Recalada LH ARG-009 QSL: LU7DSY (d)
21/02-23/02   LW4DRH/E: Recalada LH ARG-009 QSL: LU7DSY (d)
21/02-23/02   LX9UN: Luxembourg CQWW 160m-SSB MO QSL: LX1NJ
21/02-23/02   P3F: Cyprus AS-004 CQWW 160m-SSB MO QSL: 5B4AGN
21/02-23/02   SV5AZP: Rhodes EU-001 CQWW 160m-SSB QSL: QRZ.com
21/02-23/02   SY8A: Zante Island EU-052 CQWW 160m-SSB QSL: SV8CS
21/02-23/02   V31YN/P: San Pedro Island NA-073 QSL: Op's info
21/02-23/02   XE1RCS: Mexico CQWW 160m-SSB QSL: QRZ.com (d/b)
22/02-23/02   GACW Key Day
22/02-23/02   REF Contest - SSB
22/02-23/02   UBA DX Contest - CW
22/02-23/02   3G5Q: Quiriquina Island SA-070 QSL: XQ5SM
22/02-09/03   6Y5/WN9O: Jamaica NA-097 QSL: H/C (d/b)
22/02-09/03   6Y5/WO9Z: Jamaica NA-097 QSL: H/C (d/b)
22/02         9A3KB/P: Plicina Paklena LH-0708 QSL: H/C (d/b)
22/02         9A6AA/P: Plicina Paklena LH-0708 QSL: H/C (d/b)
22/02-23/02   TM6D: France Dept 26 REF contest QSL: F6KLF
23/02         Central Coast A.R.C. Field Day - Australia
23/02         High Speed Club CW Contest
23/02-02/03   8P5A: Barbados NA-021 SSB only QSL: NT1N
23/02         9A3KB/P: Barbaran LH-1018 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02         9A3KB/P: Island of Sv. Nikola EU-110 CI-118 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02         9A6AA/P: Barbaran LH-1018 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02         9A6AA/P: Island of Sv. Nikola EU-110 CI-118 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/03-10/04   9Y4/DL7DF: Trinidad & Tobago QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02-01/03   JW/SM0BSO: Svalbard EU-026 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02-01/03   JW/SM0LQB: Svalbard EU-026 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02-01/03   JW/SM1TDE: Svalbard EU-026 QSL: H/C (d/b)
23/02-23/03   PJ7/W8EB: Sint Maarten NA-105 QSL: W8EB (d/b)
24/02-10/03   9S1X: Democratic Republic of Congo QSL: F2YT
25/02-03/03   D44TD: Cape Verde AF-005 QSL: CT1EKF
25/02-31/03   HF2VL: Poland - 45yrs ham radio QSL: SP2PI
25/02-27/02   HP7/F5PAC: NA-170 San Blas Province Grp QSL: H/C (d/b)
26/02-04/03   PJ2/AE9B: Curacao SA-006 QSL: H/C (d/b)
26/02-04/03   PJ2/NW0L: Curacao SA-006 QSL: H/C (d/b)
26/02-04/03   PJ2/WB9Z: Curacao SA-006 QSL: H/C (d/b)
26/02-05/03   V31QQ: Turneffe Island NA-123 QSL: KQ1F (d/b)
26/02-05/03   V31XX: Turneffe Island NA-123 QSL: K1XM (d/b)
28/02         LU1ZD: San Martin base WABA:LU-11 AN-016 QSL: DL5EBE
28/02         W5KID: 60th Anniv USS Kidd, DD-661 QSL: QRZ.com
Mar-Nov/03    DP1POL: Neumayer Base AN-016 WABA:DL-03 QSL: DL1ZBO
01/03-02/03   ARRL International DX Contest - SSB
01/03-02/03   Open Ukraine RTTY Championship
01/03-02/03   6Y8Z: Jamaica NA-097 ARRL DX-SSB QSL: WO9Z
01/03-02/03   8P5A: Barbados NA-021 ARRL DX-SSB SOHP QSL: NT1N
01/03-02/03   9S1X: Democratic Rep. Congo ARRL DX-SSB QSL: F2YT
01/03-02/03   9Y4TBG: Tobago SA-009 ARRL DX-SSB QSL: DL4MEH (d/b)
01/03-02/03   CE4Y: Chile ARRL DX-SSB QSL: CE4FXY
01/03-02/03   D4B: Cape Verde AF-005 ARRL DX-SSB SOABHP QSL: 4L5A
01/03-02/03   D44TD: Cape Verde AF-005 ARRL DX-SSB SOSB QSL: CT1EKF
01/03-02/03   EA8/OH6XX: Canary Is AF004 ARRL DX-SSB SOSB15m QSL: H/C (d/b)
01/03-02/03   EA8/OH9MM: Canary Is AF004 ARRL DX-SSB SOSB20m QSL: H/C (d/b)
01/03-03/03   JO1EPY/6: Tokara Islands AS-049 QSL: H/C (d/b)
01/03-02/03   LY1YK: Lithuania ARRL DX-SSB QSL: LY2FY
01/03-31/03   LZ125O: 125yrs liberation of Bulgaria QSL: LZ1KZA (d/b)
01/03-02/03   PJ2T: Curacao SA-006 ARRL DX-SSB QSL: N9AG
01/03-02/03   PJ5/K1NA: St Eustatius NA-145 ARRL DX-SSB SOAB QSL: H/C (d/b)
01/03-02/03   PJ7B: Sint Maarten NA-105 ARRL DX-SSB SOAB QSL: W8EB (d/b)
01/03-02/03   TI5N: Costa Rica ARRL DX-SSB QRP QSL: W3HNK
01/03-02/03   TI8/K4UN: Costa Rica ARRL DX-SSB M-2/AB QSL: K4UN
01/03-02/03   TO1A: Martinique NA-107 ARRL DX-SSB SOAB QSL: IK2QEI
01/03-02/03   V26DX: Antigua NA-100 ARRL DX-SSB M-2 QSL: KU9C
01/03-02/03   V31QQ: Turneffe NA-123 ARRL DX-SSB  QSL: KQ1F (d/b)
01/03-02/03   VP9I: Bermuda NA-005 ARRL DX-SSB QSL: W6PH
01/03-02/03   WP2Z: U.S. Virgin Isl. NA-106 ARRL DX-SSB QSL: KU9C
01/03-02/03   ZF2DQ: Cayman NA-016 ARRL DX-SSB SOABHP QSL: K0DQ
01/03-02/03   ZF2PX: Cayman NA-016 ARRL DX-SSB SOSB20m QSL: K5PX
02/03         10m Digital Contest "Corona"
03/03         SOC Marathon Sprint
03/03-05/03   HP/F5PAC: NA-202 Colon/Veraguas N Grp QSL: H/C (d/b)
04/03         AGCW 80m YL-CW-Party
04/03-11/03   JI5RPT/6: Daito Island AS-047 RTTY/PSK QSL: H/C (d/b)
04/03-11/03   JS6QVP: Daito Island AS-047 QSL: JI5USJ (d/b)
04/03-11/03   JS6QVQ: Daito Island AS-047 QSL: JI5RPT (d/b)
06/03-20/03   CT3/DL3KWF: Madeira AF-014 QSL: H/C (d/b)
06/03-20/03   CT3/DL3KWR: Madeira AF-014 QSL: H/C (d/b)
06/03-11/03   VI3GP: F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne QSL: VK3ER (d/b)
07/03         CZEBRIS Contest
08/03         DIG QSO Party 20m-10m
08/03-09/03   Great Lakes QSO Party
08/03-09/03   RSGB Commonwealth Contest
08/03-09/03   SARL Field Day Contest
08/03-09/03   World Wide Locator Contest
08/03-09/03   CO0O: Cuba 150th anniv birth of Jose Marti QSL: bureau
08/03-09/03   HP4/F5PAC: NA-088 Bocas Del Toro Grp QSL: H/C (d/b)
08/03-09/03   JA2HMD/1: Hachijo Island AS-043 QSL: Op's info
08/03-09/03   JF1CCH/1: Hachijo Island AS-043 QSL: Op's info
08/03-09/03   JQ1SUO/1: Hachijo Island AS-043 QSL: Op's info
08/03- ???    VP6/D: Ducie Island OC-182
08/03-09/03   WA6WPG/P: Anacapa Island NA-144 USI:CA-002S QSL: H/C (d/b)
08/03-15/03   ZK1EAA: Penrhyn, N. Cooks OC-082 QSL: HB9EAA (d/b)
09/03         DIG QSO Party 80m/40m
09/03         High Speed RTTY Sprint
09/03         North American RTTY Sprint
09/03         NSARA Contest - Nova Scotia
09/03         UBA Spring Contest (80m)
09/03-10/03   Wisconsin QSO Party
09/03-22/03   3B8/ON4AME: Mauritius Island AF-049 QSL: H/C (d/b)
10/03-21/03   HH4/K3VN: Haiti NA-096 QSL: H/C (d)
10/03-21/03   HH4/K4QD: Haiti NA-096 QSL: H/C (d)
10/03-21/03   HH4/N2WB: Haiti NA-096 QSL: N2OO (d)
10/03-21/03   HH4/W4WX: Haiti NA-096 QSL: H/C (d)
10/03-31/03   ST0RY: Sudan by DL's QSL: DL5NAM
11/03-12/03   HP/F5PAC: Paridita Isl NA-071 LH-0427 QSL: H/C (d/b)
11/03-13/03   KH0/JR1KGF: Saipan OC-086 QSL: H/C (d/b)
14/03-17/03   3G1P: Pan de Azucar SA-085 QSL: XQ1IDM
14/03-17/03   DX0C: Cuyo Islands OC-120 QSL: G3OCA or UA4SKW
14/03-14/06   YA6RF: Afghanistan QSL: F6ITD
15/03-16/03   Alaska QSO Party
15/03-17/03   BARTG Spring RTTY Contest
15/03-16/03   DARC SSTV Contest
15/03-16/03   John Moyle Memorial Field Day
15/03-16/03   Russian DX Contest
15/03-17/03   Virginia QSO Party
15/03-16/03   YLISSB SSB QSO Party
15/03-10/04   ST1C: Sudan * by Claudio, IV3OWC QSL: (d)
15/03-22/03   ZK1EAA: Aitutaki, S. Cooks OC-083 QSL: HB9EAA (d/b)
16/03-22/03   FISTS Straight Key Week
16/03         Somerset Homebrew Contest
17/03-05/04   A3..: Tonga OC-049 QSL: DL8YRM (d/b)

73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O.
Web: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/

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